Trey Gowdy Uncovering Disconnect Between White House Talking Points and Policy on Immigration – IOTW Report

Trey Gowdy Uncovering Disconnect Between White House Talking Points and Policy on Immigration

Very frustrating. Gowdy is very good at peeling the Obama stinking onion, but where is this going to lead, ultimately?



10 Comments on Trey Gowdy Uncovering Disconnect Between White House Talking Points and Policy on Immigration

  1. That’s the $64,000.00 question all right. What the hell is it going to take to bring these criminals and traitors down? We have plenty of seemingly capable pursuers, but we get them surrounded and nothing happens. WTF!

  2. Fur, Levin echoed your sentiments exactly a couple nights ago. He’s just as impressed with Gowdy’s questioning abilities as everyone else. But when asked what the GOP is going to do about immigration and Obamacare, Gowdy mumbles nonsensical answers and walks away.


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