Tribalism – IOTW Report


A Catholic High School in Boston was playing a basketball game against a predominantly Jewish high school and broke into a taunt that was pretty strange.

If we think reparations is a stupid concept, how does this chant make any sense?


Students and administrators at a Boston-area Catholic school had to apologize after dozens of its fans chanted “You killed Jesus” during a basketball game against a school with a large number of Jewish students on Friday, the Washington Post reports. Some Jewish attendees at the division title game between Catholic Memorial School and Newtown North High School were alarmed by the chant. “I can’t believe it,” says one spectator, whose parents survived Nazi concentration camps. “I just can’t believe it.” Following the game, which Catholic Memorial won 77-73, Catholic Memorial fans apologized to the principal of Newton North.



32 Comments on Tribalism

  1. Catholic anti-Semitism is rampant, but I don’t see the connection to reparations.
    I have had this discussion with several Catholics. When I point out that it was not only Jews, but also members of his flock that betrayed him they get flustered but hang on to the anti-Semitism.

  2. Well duh, when the Roman Empire took over Christianity the very first order of business was to pin the crucifixion on the Jews.

    After all how would it look if the Romans admitted THEY crucified the martyr they made the state religion?

    Anyone who denies this is neck deep in a river in Egypt.

  3. It was actually the Romans who killed Jesus. And without Jesus being killed and rising from the dead after three days (there’s no record of him seeing his shadow), there would be NO Roman Catholic Church. I wonder what these kids are learning?

  4. No one took Jesus’ life, he gave it willingly for the salvation of us all.

    John 17-18: Therefore, My Father love Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have the power to lay it down and I have power to take it again. This command I have received of My Father.

    Those verses are always the response to that lie of satan.

  5. Sheesh, it’s HS for goodness sakes.

    When we played St Patricks, we called them potatoheads. They couldn’t say shit to us because our school, St George, had a kick ass dragon as our school mascot.

    We also had choice words when we played Notre Dame.

  6. What a bunch of snowflakes we have nowadays. The principal of the High School went as far as to call the Anti-Defamation League because feelings got hurt.
    There is hardly any mention though that the high school were chanting first “sausage fest” at the Catholic school. Quick someone call up a gay rights group.

  7. JohnS. “Catholic anti-Semitism is rampant.” That, right there is an outright lie, and you Sir are an idiot.
    Boston is a left wing demorat city and as Corona said, these punks are influenced more by Obama , ISIS , and left wing thinking, than they are by the Catholic Church.
    I live in New York and I have more …………No I won’t go there.

  8. Why did they apologize?

    “Let His blood be on us, and our children!” the Jews cried as Pilate washed his hands.
    “I see no fault in this man …” the Roman point of view.

    For pity’s sake! The Jews DID crucify Jesus! And Jesus was a Jew! And kids are gonna do some politically incorrect things!

    Get over it.

    Phew! Tempest in a teapot.

  9. Moetom; my children were all raised Catholic. The American Catholic church is infested with leftists. If you are a Catholic and not aware of that, you are willfully blind.
    The Jesuits are almost entirely leftists.
    In the past the more outspoken bigots, like Bernie Ward, were excommunicated by the Church, but no longer.
    Consider the current Pope and his endorsement for sainthood for a famously anti-semitic priest.
    Problems exist in the Church, this issue and homosexuality among the priesthood are two significant ones.
    Calling the truth a lie alters nothing.

  10. @JohnS, I was about to give you a rebuke seeing as how I am Catholic and have nothing but respect and admiration for the Jewish people. But after reading your rebuttal to MoeTom, I stand corrected and understand what you mean. We have a Marxist Charlatan as the Pope and as you say, the Church has been undermined by leftist infiltrators who have been eroding the Church canons for generations now and instead of opposing these evil ideologies, have now become active appeasers.

  11. JohnS. I agree with you 100 percent on your take on today’s Catholic Church. But Catholic anti-Semitism is not rampant; whereas, Catholic anti-Catholicism is. The idiots in Boston and the publicity they received is just another slap at the Church.
    Let me introduce you to Michael Voris on “The Vortex,” on “Church Militant TV. Peace!

  12. “Well duh, when the Roman Empire took over Christianity the very first order of business was to pin the crucifixion on the Jews.”

    False. They called for His blood to be upon their own heads and the heads of their children.

  13. And it was God the Father Who willingly sacrificed His only begotten Son, and the Son Who willingly laid down that which He was able to take up again.

    For the sun of us all, without exception.

    Believe that and be saved.

  14. Well John, I don’t expect you to see the connection to reparations.
    That requires a little depth.

    The connection here is the Catholic boys holding today’s Jews responsible for something that happened that they have no responsibility for- just like blacks holding today’s whites responsible for something they had no responsibility for.

    I’m starting to see why you don’t grasp many of the concepts I throw at ya.

  15. I remember when “Who’s yer Daddy?” was considered racist.

    Jesus’s death and resurrection were ordained at the moment of Creation. The Jews were the cause, and the Romans were the instrument. Caiaphas did his part. Judas did his. The Romans did theirs. He died for US – as in ALL mankind – and we ALL share in the shame – the grotesqueness – of the Murder of our Creator – and in the benefit of the Offer of Redemption.

    We need to seize that.

    “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”

    If He can forgive, who are we to “blame?”

    But kids will be kids …

  16. Oh, I see. Blame and greed are synonyms. Or did I miss the part of the Catholic kids demanding the Jews have their property taken away and given to them like Hitler did to reward his friends?
    Maybe there was some of that “dog whistle” stuff in the article that, not being a dog, I never seem to pick up on.
    Boy oh boy, English sure is a complicated language. I may never get a handle on it.

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