Trident Order #12 Cancelled – IOTW Report

Trident Order #12 Cancelled

Trident Order #12, Which Disqualified SEALs From Duty For Seeking Vaccine Mandate Religious Exemption, Quietly Canceled By US Navy.

But what will the feds try next?

6 Comments on Trident Order #12 Cancelled

  1. First of all, it is not a vaccine but a prophylactic. Second, this doesn’t remove the mandate but allows for claim of religious exemption, so each man would still have to apply and argue why he can claim exemption. I don’t know that any Christian could claim it or whether they would have to belong to a particular denomination.

  2. Truth be told, Biden/Austin/Milley not only views any Christian soldier as a \”trouble maker\” but would prefer those in the ranks to be more morally ambiguous, holding no traditional ties to country, family, or honor.

    Those possessing a clean slate, not encumbered with arcane notions of duty and sacrifice, brought up on a steady diet of CRT, white guilt, and American global immorality, feeling no loyalty to our traditions or institutions, these are not only more easily controlled but can easily be turned loose on the people, those same people their commanders view as a threat to their warped view of democracy.

  3. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from discriminating against individuals because of their religion (or lack of religious belief) in hiring, firing, or any other terms and conditions of employment.


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