Trifecta— Too Big to Fail? Large Solar Power Plant Going Bust – IOTW Report

Trifecta— Too Big to Fail? Large Solar Power Plant Going Bust

ivanpah  Mojave CA

Located in the desert between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, IVANPAH is the nations largest solar power plant… and now it’s failing! :’-(

Video HERE

16 Comments on Trifecta— Too Big to Fail? Large Solar Power Plant Going Bust

  1. Uneconomic alternative energy is responsible for climate change.
    It’s because of the evaporation of all the salty tears of unicorn fart-sniffers, and science ignoramuses.

    That’s what happens when you put decision-making in the hands of dipshit liberals- THAT FAILED THEIR SCIENCE CLASSES (if they even bothered to take any).

  2. You know, I have an ornamental.windmill in the yard, and a little decorative water-wheel in the pond. I don’t think I will ever have an ornamental solar panel. But I repeat myself.

  3. Not only did Barky and his pals blow big bucks and pocket loads of cash, he BANKRUPTED many of the US coal companies and blockaded the pipelines that could’ve brought US nat. gas to markets nationwide.

    What are the odds of a chooming slacker f–ing up so big and so often just on luck ??

    Sure would’ve been useful to have transcripts and resume on this traitor to know who sponsored and funded him……

  4. This remindsme of Chinatown, with Jack Nicolson and Faye Dunaway. Follow the money. Or, if you are real smart, invest early.

    ‘Solar Partners I, LLC; Solar Partners II, LLC; Solar Partners IV, LLC; and Solar Partners VIII, LLC, which are subsidiaries of BrightSource Energy, Inc. … filed an Application for Certification … for the proposed Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (ISEGS).

    BrightSource Energy has also applied to the U.S. Department of Energy … for a loan guarantee pursuant to Title XVII of the EPAct. The application for a loan guarantee for Ivanpah 1 was made in November 2008, and the application for Ivanpah 2 and 3 was made in February 2009. BrightSource Energy has also applied to the U.S. Treasury Department for Payments for Specified Energy Property in Lieu of Tax Credits under §1603 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). This program offers a grant (in lieu of investment tax credit) to receive funding for 30% of the total capital cost at such time as a project achieves commercial operation (currently applies to projects that begin construction.”

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