Triggered! Journalist Snowflakes Scared Trump Supporters Are ‘Turning on the Media’ – IOTW Report

Triggered! Journalist Snowflakes Scared Trump Supporters Are ‘Turning on the Media’

Breitbart: Triggered journalists from across the nation are bemoaning the treatment members of the press are receiving at Trump campaign rallies from the Trump supporters the media routinely misrepresents as ignorant racists, fascist Nazis, or disenchanted working whites.

With increasing regularity, these journalist snowflakes are “reporting” their victimization at the hands Trump supporters who chant mean things like, “CNN sucks” and call them names like “presstitutes.”

For members of the media elite, the occasional taunts and jeers signal a dangerous threat to the free press. During an interview with Kellyanne Conway on Tuesday, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer breathlessly asked Trump’s campaign manager to ask Trump to stop calling out the press at his rallies because he is scared “there could be an ugly incident” between Trump supporters and the “hardworking young journalists” who cover his rallies.

tiny violin

A quick review of media stories over the last two weeks reveals more than a dozen articles in major publications with the same “journalists victimized by Trump supporters at rallies” narrative. Trump supporters endure long waits, messy parking, and often obstructed view seating to rally for their candidate. The press, on the other hand, is given their own entrance, sectioned off seating, and protection from event security and the Secret Service.

After an exhaustive search, this Breitbart reporter could find exactly zero incidences of members of the media being physically attacked or assaulted at Trump rallies. None of this has stopped the misleading characterization of Trump supporters creating a “menacing” and “dangerous” environment for these special snowflakes.

SNIP: Get out your tiny violins and read on

37 Comments on Triggered! Journalist Snowflakes Scared Trump Supporters Are ‘Turning on the Media’

  1. Oh fucking waaaaaah. These spoiled little writers (I WILL not call them “journalists”) are just beginning to get a taste of working in the REAL world.

    Regardless of the election outcome, expect to be called out regularly from now on, you lapdogs.

  2. “…, and protection from event security and the Secret Service.”

    Event security and Secret Service is after them too? Damn. No one likes them.

    Maybe they should just stay home and let citizen journalists do the job they refuse to do in the first place.

  3. They’ve been attacking us since before Nixon – that was in the 60s. It’s just that now the Internet has fully exposed their bias to an ever larger populace. And we are finally fighting back in numbers that have an impact.

  4. Tough shit.

    Assholes. I recognized in the late 70s that the media was the problem. Too bad to see FOX going over to the dark side too. Seems to me that there’s a huge opening for someone to make zillions.

  5. They should probably look up the definition of “hardworking”. That describes Trump and his supporters, not the weak faggotry that wrongly call themselves journalists. Word rapists. Garbage pimps.

  6. As written, the Fourth Estate has become the Fifth Column.

    It should be impressed upon them that treason will not be tolerated.

    But we’ve learned to tolerate much, haven’t we?

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Wolf Blitzer – Will you ask your network to stop inferring that police shootings of blacks only happen because of race. Will you ask your network to stop jumping to conclusions before the evidence is out? Will you ask your network to stop giving credence to BLM as a peaceful protest movement when they are burning down neighborhoods, looting and attacking innocent people. Unlike the implication that you give that there “might be” violence towards reporters by Trump supporters, there is in fact severe violence that accompanies most BLM protests that you give full backing and support to.

  8. Talk about clueless! They are just starting to realize that we hate them!

    Sorry, my violin was broken when I beat the TV with it, while watching MEGAN KELLY, my last straw!

  9. When BLM protestors go violent in a protest, no so-called journa;ist feels particulary threatened because the protestors and the media are essentially one and the same. But when an elderly guy flips a press photographer the bird or a group of Trump reporters start chanting “CNN sucks,” all of a sudden Wolf Blitzer feels threatened even in the friendly confines of his own (presumably secure) studio.

    Here’s a tip for the MSM talking heads and so-called journalists: a lot of people don’t like you and have no respect for you or your profession. This disgust with the media has been brewing since the Reagan years, and has finally reached a point where citizens just don’t care if you are offended or not.

    If you want a story, perhaps you should investigate your own occupation. You may even find Hillary’s missing emails or Clinton Foundation documents in the bargain.

  10. As is usually the case with bullies, Wolf Blitzer and the rest of the presstitutes are cowards.
    He looks as though he’s afraid of his own shadow.

    Hey, Wolf…BOO !!!
    There…made him shit his pants.

  11. The press has a plan.
    A big plan.
    They wish to be the heralds for the new queen.
    Their plan is to destroy conservatism and the Old America, and sneer at the corpses.
    Mike Tyson said:
    “Everybody has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth”

  12. Hey phony journalists! It’s not the Tea Party you have to be afraid of!

    You now have a generation of leftists. A generation raised and schooled, that violence is the action required to make change. It’s not just burned out hippies anymore.

    This new generation is realizing that you, the media and the educational system, have been LYING to them. They (not the tea party) are going to come after you. And they’ll use the violence you taught them, to change the lie you perpetuated.

  13. So Kilroy, you think if ABC broke out it’s checkbook and put Rush in at the 5pm anchor spot, that he wouldn’t crush the competition? You don’t think they could command 3,4 or 5x the going rate? Hell, I’d even watch.

  14. When leftists assault Trump supporters and the MSM consistently blames it on the Trump supporters — if the story gets covered at all — and they wonder why we are pissed?

    When the the media spend almost half an out covering Trump’s eleven year old tape and maybe a minute on Hillary’s crimes as shown in Wikileaks, they wonder why we are pissed?

    When there is no attempt at impartial reporting in the U.S. they wonder why we are pissed?

  15. OK, try these pants on.
    What if the media were constantly out name-calling and demeaning the unions when they were on strike or just in general. Do you think the union members would treat them with kid gloves?
    Hell no! They would bash their friggin brains in.

  16. @MM October 28, 2016 at 11:58 am

    I think the left/right American fable has had a fifty year run in just it’s current configuration. If there were money to be made – not even significantly more money, but just money – putting right wing speechifying on broadcast channels, then it would be a stable business model, already. The current models are “you get a huge take from a small number of transactions” (luxury), or “you get a small take from a huge number of transactions” (commodity).

    To answer your specific question: No, I don’t think that (the character) Rush Limbaugh, as it currently exists, would crush – nor even survive – against the other broadcast competition, at 5 P.M. While you might diligently watch, even if you are a Nielsen family, the numbers that sit through the ads with the current talent, would flee. Even if Ford brand ads were replaced with Lamborghini dealership ads, the revenue would fall. It’s just math.

    The self-described right claim to know all about “the money!”. Why have they left it on the table, for the self-described left to walk away with, for half-a-century? Unless, it’s not there.

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