Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Goes To College! – IOTW Report

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Goes To College!

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog confronts college snowflakes.


Triumph would be the best professor these kids ever had –


33 Comments on Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Goes To College!

  1. It’s a shame when the french start instructing Americans in rampant effeminate hypocrisy.

    It was funny as hell watching the facial expressions of those “students” sit there and try to silently justify their own stupidity to themselves.

    College is destructive, kids. Just say NO.

  2. This is why public education should be abolished. But unfortunately the parents (legal guardians, etc) would never give up their day jobs to educate the little darlings. Marxism at its finest.

  3. And the name tags!! The guy in first row, far right, seemed to like his. That’s what he’s there for, anyway. And the guy in upper row, far left — “Shaves Pubes” — hysterical!

    Best part: “Oh! My current conception of a higher diety which shall in no way infringe upon your current conception of a higher deity ….or lack thereof…oh…oh..!” (thought the PC blondie was going to orgasm with Triumph, by the look on her face!)

  4. @flip…

    They generally work off-campus. It’s much safer at the comedy club downtown on MLKJ Boulevard.

    “Who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here.”.

  5. I’ve liked Triumph since he first appeared on Conan O’Brien’s original show. He sometimes shows up at the Westminster Dog Show where he tries to hump the champion poodles. It’s hilarious.

    But re those college students, the main vibe I got from them was that they were all scared to death. They seemed absolutely rigid with fear.
    I think they were so afraid of being caught saying something wrong that they froze up. Did you see how long it took for anybody to even make a tentative description of the black dude?
    And as Odin 2013 noted, they were completely humorless.
    It wasn’t until late into it that they started laughing in spite of themselves.
    It must be awful to be that uptight.

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