I boarded a plane today with my son and mid flight, the pilot announces that the mask mandate is over. Flight attendants pulled off their masks and sneezed directly into their hands while screaming “this is MAGA airspace”. My son turned to me in tears. I don’t know what to do.
— Jared Rabel (@JradRabel) April 19, 2022
Twitchy has the Story
It looks funny when I read the comments under his tweet. Like people think it’s everyone’s decision to be masked or not. But there’s some truth in that, but you have to understand which laws govern which airlines. No one should be forced to take their masks off. From what I’ve seen people at https://callmechat.com/ still think it’s necessary to warn others against the risk of coronavirus infection, even if some places remove quarantine restrictions.
^^^^^^^ What Xray said.
Poor Henry. No one is forced to remove a mask.
The absence of a mandate is not the same as a contrary mandate to do the opposite.
In the progressive mind, that which is not compulsory is forbidden.
Oh Henry.
Every recording and video of airline employees announcing the end of Biden dictates on masks said if you want to wear one you can.
Maybe he needs some Q Tips.
On a side note, PWM reversed it’s original decision and they will not continue forcing masks on people. Must have gotten legal advise.
Too bad Henry.
I get it, Henry. Your comment was satirical. Well-played, sir.
Wait…it was serious? Dude.
Trolling the left is too easy.
Keep wearing a mask all you want. It’s nice to have an identifier to recognize all the useless pro-totalitarian faggots out there. That and the Ukrainian flag make it clear who the assholes are these days.
If masks WERE effective, your mask would protect you from my unmasked face.
Never forget all the great advice from ‘science’ experts like biden*, cuomohole, fauxi, Gov Whitmer and all the other fascists: DOUBLE your mask.
And may I suggest, between your 2 masks a generous layer of cellophane.
People who wear masks probably should be wearing masks.
That’s why they put helmets on those slap-heads who keep slapping themselves on the head or bouncing their heads off of walls and floors.
Nothing screams “I’m an idiot!” more than wearing a mask that came out of a box on which is clearly printed “will not stop a virus or protect from CoVid.”
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
TheMule- how dare you steal my fathers favorite word he likes to use while addressing his 4 sons…he is 83 and his youngest son is 43. If he does not call one of us a faggot at least twice a day then we know something is wrong