Trouble Brewing In Belgium? – IOTW Report

Trouble Brewing In Belgium?

Cold Fury-

It Ain’t Just Here, It Ain’t Just Us.

The other night, I said:

My own view, which shifts on the regular these days, is that if the current middling-temperature conflict ever DOES go full-on hot, the form it will most likely take will be sabotage, monkey-wrenchery, and shoot-and-scoot sniper activity, perhaps even scattered small-unit raids undertaken by people with the training and experience to pull it off.

And then this happened.

Hundreds of troops from Belgium, and beyond, have now thoroughly searched a vast area in the country where a fugitive soldier armed with highly dangerous weapons is believed to be hiding. However, no trace of him has been found.

A well-trained sniper from the Belgian army, Jurgen Conings, who has combat experience in several war zones including Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon, disappeared on Monday. Having reportedly left life-threatening notes to several top officials, the 46-year-old man is believed to have taken several anti-tank missiles, a submachine gun and a handgun with an ability to pierce bulletproof vests from his unit’s ammunition depot. He himself is believed to be wearing the vest.

Conings is now a “terrorist suspect,” according to Belgian media. The federal prosecutor’s office has been investigating him for “attempted murder and illegal possession of weapons in a terrorist context,” the VRT broadcaster reported. Authorities also believe the suspect has not been “acting on impulse,” but is rather well-prepared. 

h/t Brad.

22 Comments on Trouble Brewing In Belgium?

  1. @Brad

    Your kidding right?
    Quebec’s Premier still had a CURFEW until May 28th and he is more popular now than before.

    We have now added slavery acknowledgements to Native land acknowledgements before many official meetings. Keep in mind Canada was the DESTINATION for FREEDOM that the Black people escaped to. WE NEVER HAD SLAVERY and we are apologizing for it.

    But our Prime minister has a portable Black face kit he brings on camping trips. He blamed that on Systemic Racism and shared responsibility of HIS behavior with all of us.

  2. @ Brad

    Time for you Californians to step up. LOL…

    This comment will be shortly followed by some of goat boy harassment theme and then Joe6Pak will chime in….in 3 2 1….

  3. “cato June 1, 2021 at 6:57 pm

    In the US it will be an former Afghan army immigrant, interpreter, pedophile named Mohammad.”

    Oh my God, that is pretty twisted…

  4. When they prove beyond a reasonable doubt that our votes no longer mean shit, there’s going to be a lot of irrational domestic terrorists that use to be considered Patriots.

  5. he “could no longer live in a society where politicians and virologists have taken everything away from us,” so he “would join the resistance and would not surrender.”


  6. BRAD: “When they prove beyond a reasonable doubt that our votes no longer mean shit, there’s going to be a lot of irrational domestic terrorists that use to be considered Patriots.”

    I hope this thought causes every politician, on both sides of the pretend aisle, sleepless nights.

  7. When first reported it included that, “the most dangerous weapons had been recovered”, so not sure the issue. Unless the spineless weasels figure out it is the man, not the tool, that is the weapon.

  8. Willy, you must just be jerking my chain for fun. That’s OK, I even have friends that do that. What’s different about them is we can sit down, have dinner, drinks, make fun of each other, and we have fun, and get up the next day and we are still friends. For some reason I’m not sensing that kind of good times with you. Someday maybe.

  9. Read “Art of Darkness” while eating Belgian chocolate.
    They learned to make chocolate from raw materials imported from the Belgian Congo, where the Belgians mistreated the natives horribly.

  10. “When they prove beyond a reasonable doubt that our votes no longer mean shit …”

    If Joey Biden didn’t prove that, then nothing will.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Jurgen “would not surrender”? There’s your proof that he doesn’t have any French ancestry!

    It will take a pack of Belgian Malinoises to track this guy down. Hopefully they’ll join his cause and crotch-bite all the Belgian politicians.

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