The most polluted rivers in the world are responsible for roughly 95% of the plastic that contaminates the oceans. Just cleaning the ten worst polluters, eight of which are in Asia, would take care of half of it.
Where are the treaties and the accords addressing this environmental disaster?
Gotta be bad if the shithole to the south of us didn’t make the cut.
When I think of Asian pollution I think of the Water Hyacinth that clogs and chokes the San Joaquin river delta in California.
That crap was brought here by bilge water from Asian shipping coming into the port of Stockton and others in the system.
Shit River, the drainage canal in Olongapo City just outside of the Navy base in Subic (Pubic) Bay in the Philippines looked a lot like that. It was the nastiest, most disgusting, filthiest so called river I’ve ever seen in my life.
I watched footage of the tsunami in Japan flowing up rivers into cities and then flowing back out, taking tons of garbage out with it.
China is the number one reason we have Environmental Problems !
For that reason alone I refuse to acknowledge any Environmental Treaty,
that does Not involve China on the Same Level as the U.S !!!
Speaking of garbage, and since the Bullpen is down for a while, here’s a story that needs cleaning up, well, at least Shakes does.
While traveling in China, staying in Guanzou (formerly Canton), our wanderings around the city took us past the Pearl river, a primary estuary for boats coming and going out of the harbor. Having lived mainly in the Northwest and seeing its many water ways every day, I’ve never seen anything like it. Standing on the bank of the Pearl, unable to see into the water at all, watching the gases burble up to the surface. It was like a caldron of greenish, dead muck. Can’t imagine falling into such a toxic sewer. It’s a total disaster.
Anyone who wants to whine about the water and air in the U.S. cannot have been to some of these places.
While traveling in China, staying in Guanzou (formerly Canton), our wanderings around the city took us past the Pearl river, a primary estuary for boats coming and going out of the harbor. Having lived mainly in the Northwest and seeing its many water ways every day, I’ve never seen anything like it. Standing on the bank of the Pearl, unable to see into the water at all, watching the gases burble up to the surface. It was like a caldron of gray, dead muck — the viscosity of used motor oil. Can’t imagine falling into such a toxic sewer. It’s a total disaster.
Anyone who wants to whine about the water and air in the U.S. cannot have been to some of these places.
It would make a lot more sense to address this problem than waste our time and money chasing non existing ‘global warming’.
There will be no environmental treaty unless it involves the US paying millions, if not billions of dollars.
I’m guessing that, somehow, we’ve (the American taxpayer) got to pay for this.
If “all cultures are equal” and they choose to live in filth, why is it any of our concern? Can’t we just wall them out?
Oh, that’s right, that’s racist. Sorry.
izlamo delenda est …