Troubling Death of Crows in New England Not Linked To Avian Flu – IOTW Report

Troubling Death of Crows in New England Not Linked To Avian Flu

Naturally, “researchers” have identified the villain: carbon-based vehicles.

Click into post to see the specific evil vehicle.

ht/ HRW


11 Comments on Troubling Death of Crows in New England Not Linked To Avian Flu

  1. That’s hilarious!
    I heard it a bit different:

    Q – Why are crows seldom hit by cars in New England?
    A – They have spotter crows that yell when they see a car, “Cah, cah!”

    But this one is better!

  2. Moe Tom – “youtube “Where have all the Eagles gone.”

    I’ve seen that vid earlier. Amazing what those gubmint a-holes pull off in plain sight. But, y’know, millennials gotta millennial.

  3. Crows, it should go without saying, are extremely intelligent. Tool users, amazing mimics, problem solvers, some crows certainly show up many members of the human race when it comes to using their gray matter.

    True story: One of my earliest childhood memories involves a crow that would approach our outdoor dog’s food bowl every evening around supper time. We’d break from eating sometimes when we heard the crow outside, standing on the porch, watching the crow we came to call George steal dog kibble from a bowl. He became used to us and would accept tidbits we’d toss to him.

    Some days or weeks later (cripes, can’t remember, I was like 5) my grandparents came to visit and brought my brother and me balsa wood airplanes. While tossing the toys in the back yard, George suddenly appeared and snatched my plane in mid-flight, then flying off, never to be seen again. I cried like the baby I was.

    Moral: Beware befriending crows. They are here to decimate our air superiority.

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