Truce In Afghanistan May Lead To Peace Agreement – IOTW Report

Truce In Afghanistan May Lead To Peace Agreement


The United States and the Taliban have agreed to a temporary truce that, if successful, would open the way for a deal that would bring American troops home from Afghanistan and end 18 years of war.

The peace deal would call for negotiations between Afghans on both sides of the conflict to start next month, an eventual countrywide cease-fire and a commitment from the Taliban not to harbor terrorist groups like al Qaida, while setting a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops.

The truce marks a milestone in efforts to end America’s longest-running conflict and fulfill President Donald Trump’s campaign pledge to bring U.S. troops home from foreign conflicts. But prospects for a real and lasting peace remain unclear. More

12 Comments on Truce In Afghanistan May Lead To Peace Agreement

  1. I don’t much care whether the truce is real or if it may lead to some sort of peace agreement. The odds of success are one RCH above zero; the region has been full of warring factions for centuries. Papers signed there today are likely tomorrow’s bumwad.

    All I really care about is that the U.S. troops and contractors in Afghanistan come home. Sending them there on a fool’s errand was proof of the lack of respect for U.S. armed forces by those in govt.

  2. Hey towel heads, if you kept to yourselves….we would keep to ourselves.
    I know, that’s a complex conception but it’s been around for a number of years.
    Probably since before the 7th centuary.

  3. What Uncle Al said. And don’t leave anybody there to train police, don’t bring any afghanis here to train for anything. Although Obama holdovers in the State Dept. should be sent there to advise the Taliban.

  4. never know a truce to hold under the Taliban …. who knows? could be a first

    btw, I think Mr. Lt. Col. Vindman … both of them … can display their unique talents as permanent advisors in Afghanistan … bet they can get a bunch of ‘hero’ medals

  5. I’m with Uncle Al. Where tribalism prevails, conflicts and warring factions are a permanent way of life.

    The prog/dem/commies are bringing tribalism to America. They are doing their best to divide us into warring special interest groups, victim classes and scapegoats. United we stand, divided we fall.

    And btw, the rise of tribalism corresponds to the decline of Christianity in our society. Once again, thanks to the prog/dem/commies.

  6. Petey B will bring rainbows, pastels, gay pride parades, Four Pound Berthas, and free vanilla scented lube to Afghanistan when elected president in 2020!

  7. Answerman Cooper@

    That’s is exactly what my Grandfather used to tell me. (WWII)

    He used to say to me 40 years ago, ” they wake up in the morning and didn’t know who they were going to shoot.” But they were going to shoot someone.

    Nothing Changes

    It sounded so much funnier in Italian when he said it.

  8. Just leave….

    England, the USSR, and the US couldn’t civilize them…..

    They’re tribal….they’re gonna fight…..

    Just leave……let India, Pakistan, and/or China have a go at it…..

    Or better yet….let Coronavirus have a turn with them.


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