Truck Drives Into Crowd In Sweden – IOTW Report

Truck Drives Into Crowd In Sweden


18 Comments on Truck Drives Into Crowd In Sweden

  1. Heads up to you shithead Hawaiian wannabe judge. Has logic busted open your liberal, leftist head yet or do you still want the US open to needless wanton attacks on US citizens? It’s on you, prick!!

  2. i’m surprised obama cannot get his lovers dick out of his mouth long enough to comment on all that’s happened in the last 48 hours.
    i’m also surprised in the msm lack of coverage on the first 100 days of obama becoming a private citizen again. almost like they are covering up his homosexual tryst happening in Polynesia.

  3. I know I’ll have to spend some time doing penance with F.D.R. for laughing at this. But did you look at the pictures in the linked article? Sweden’s black clad, super scary, “here to help” government agents, on their knees under a “Maestro KEBAB” sign. Priceless!

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