Trudeau- If you don’t want to get vaccinated, that’s your choice. But don’t think you can get on a plane or a train beside vaccinated people and put them at risk – IOTW Report

Trudeau- If you don’t want to get vaccinated, that’s your choice. But don’t think you can get on a plane or a train beside vaccinated people and put them at risk

I will continue to ask…. how THE F**K are you at risk if you’ve been vaccinated?!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

The answer is…… (the vax doesn’t do shit.)

They say that it may reduce the symptoms. Guess what? Before the vax existed some people got minor symptoms, some got severe symptoms. Most lived, some died. We are in the exact same boat, vaxxed or unvaxxed.

Wake up, shitheads.

39 Comments on Trudeau- If you don’t want to get vaccinated, that’s your choice. But don’t think you can get on a plane or a train beside vaccinated people and put them at risk

  1. Things they’ve admitted without admitting to admitting it:

    masks don’t work
    tests don’t work
    vax don’t work

    But if you don’t comply with all three, they will destroy you one way or the other.










  3. Wouldn’t the vaxxed put the unvaxxed at more of a risk?

    If they supposedly can’t feels their viruses then they can get all the unvaxxed sick who do feels their viruses.

    Plus they shed off all their poisons onto those who don’t want the damn poison.

    I’d be willing to bet good money it’s a pandemic of the vaxxed infecting the unvaxxed AND the vaxxed more than just the unvaxxed being “irresponsible.”

    Think about it, if they can’t feels their viruses then they circulate them around and around and around with no regard. You gotta FEELS your viruses if you want to get rid of your viruses.

    They are literally KILLING CHILDREN under 12 who have no choice but to feels the viruses.

  4. Vax works – to reduce symptoms. So if you are at risk then it may make sense to get it. But if you aren’t at risk there is no reason to – particularly kids.
    Vax does not reduce spread. Comparison to other viral epidemics shows that cases follow a similar pattern, and vax doesn’t affect it.
    Masks are pointless, and dangerous particularly to kids. Here is another link full of proof:

  5. VAX may work to reduce symptoms but there’s plenty of other things out there that also reduce symptoms. Yet the stupid vax is the only thing these nitwits will accept. It’s bullshit.

  6. I’ve had three different nurses now tell me that they’re lying and the majority being put in the hospital are the vaxxed and that half of them aren’t in there due to being sick with covid symptoms, they’re there due to complications from the vaccine, but they’re listing them as covid.
    They also tell me it’s a crock that the beds are full, they are shutting down entire floors due to a staff shortage. That hospitals that are requiring staff to be jabbed can’t even get traveling nurses now because they’re only going to hospitals that aren’t requiring you to be jabbed.

    Oh and this damn Cherokee Indian Chief in this state is getting on my last nerve, thanks to SCOTUS he seems to think he’s governor now and telling schools to break the law and mandate masks and they will donate masks to the schools that do so. This leftist piece of shit needs to go and if Congress isn’t going to fix this shit, then they need to tell these damn tribes if they’re their own government and control all of this land, then they’re federal money is cut off. Support themselves. These bastards have gotten billions from covid.

  7. The spiked protein is smaller than the virus!

    I don’t want stupid people who chose to submit to experimental gene therapy (aka the shot, I will not call it a vaccine, it’s not) slothing their spike proteins off their person for me to breath in!

  8. Governments are going to continue browbeating people to take vaccines until it’s standard to accept any injections they demand you take, then then, one day, one of those injections is going to kill you far enough into the future that half the world dies before anyone knows what’s happening. And that won’t be an accident.

  9. Why do they act concerned about ‘vaccinated’ people, (that should already be protected), yet they couldn’t give a flying phuck about those that die from getting the jab?

  10. Old Racist White Woman
    AUGUST 20, 2021 AT 4:20 PM

    “They also tell me it’s a crock that the beds are full…”

    …I was at an ER on Wednesday that was pretty full, but as you say, it was mostly due to understaffing. Not sure where they were with Jab mamdates, but they definitely weren’t taking that whole thing very seriously because I was just a second visitor for my MIL, and I wandered in alone from parking the car and no one said boo to me until they finally called her back for triage (she broke her foot, low priority), and THEN she just waved a contact less thermometer in my general direction through the plastic, and prononced me unfeverish and free to continue roaming with a mask.

    During the hours of waiting for test to be ordered, tests to be actually done, tests to be interpreted, and nothing useful actually done (the modern ER in a nutshell), I did wander around the ED, which would have been UNTHINKABLE just a few months ago. I think the hospital folk are just sick of it and were just not interested in Coof Karening or other aspects of Medical Theatre any more.

    And during my amble, I saw many, many rooms, and learned that each door had a COVID caution warning paper enclosed in plastic hung on it, the text side turned OUT if the subject was considered to even POSSIBLY Coof Unclean.

    I only saw ONE turned out.

    And the nurses said he just had a cold.

    …and this is in a supposedly COVID stricken county in SW OH, where dire predictions or rampant Delta are mixed daily with read lists on the radio like thry used to do for snow days about schools requiring masks. RINO DeWine is totes OK with it, no matter how stupid, but doesn’t have the temerity to reinstate “mask mandates”, especially since the legislators passed a law through his veto repealing his LAST one.

    But in THAT hospital, they do not appear to think that Coof is real anymore.


  11. I tested positive for covid 2 days ago. Have had mild symptoms overall and feel like I will be back at 100% in a couple days. I started feeling unwell a few weeks ago – winded/exhausted and attributed it to long, stressful work demands. It got worse but not severe. I went to the doctor Wednesday to get checked and tested. Nothing found physically wrong; blood pressure and oxygen perfect, lungs clear, never had a fever or any typical symptoms, like loss of taste or smell, aches, or cough. They called back later and said I was positive. I didn’t get vaxxed and don’t plan to. I’m not anti-vax, I’ve had plenty of vaccines injected into my body (fond memories of Navy bootcamp). I’m vaccine hesitant in the face of conflicting information.

    We all have to decide who we will trust and listen to. I tend not to trust political actors and operators or those with position in administrations, who are wedded to the State apparatus and make their living from it by following one-size-fits-all protocols and not asking questions. People in positions of power want to retain their position and power, so they tend not to rock the boat.

    Two videos with very good information –
    Dr. Malone, the very guy that invented this vaccine technology (10 minutes):

    Dr. Ryan Cole, Pathologist standing against mandatory vaccination (30 minutes):

  12. SNS, about those thermometers. The normal temperature is 98.6, but what if that’s not your normal temperature? My body is dyslexic and runs 96.8 as a normal temperature. If I temp at 98.6 I have a fever. Just more BS protective measures.

  13. SNS
    Around here they were doing that crap back in November/December when my husband was in the hospital. They still only allowed one visitor at a time, but as many people as you wanted could come and go as long as they were over 12. They wouldn’t allow my grandkids to see him. You had to wear a mask until you were in the room, then you didn’t have to. You had to have your temp checked once a day, they put a little band on your arm and wrote your temp on it.
    They had damn security guards taking your temp, just about every day I was there my temp checked right around 97, along with my kids and son-in-law. We always laughed at that, don’t think their little thermometer the pointed at our head was all that accurate.

    I’d go to the cafeteria and all the doctors, nurses, and other staff would be sitting in there with several at the same big tables, laughing and talking without masks. When I’d wonder the halls, I was always passing a doctor or nurse with their mask pulled down.
    Biggest joke ever.

  14. He sounds like a high school kid running for student council president.

    Regarding the jab, the lefties out there are becoming militantly divisive, spewing insults and calling names if you don’t succumb.

    The best one so far….”spreadneck morons.” 😆

  15. Youngest sister got both Moderna shots months ago as a prerequisite for a surgical procedure. She finally went into the hospital for the procedure, and yup, you guessed it. She contracted COVID there with actual symptoms.

    (Note to self: stay out of hospitals.)

    Of course, it’s possible her phony test just says it’s COVID but that she actually has some common Corona virus cold. Reports/speculation that this is happening are now prevalent.

  16. So, if you’re vaxed you get little to no symptoms.

    Riddle me this: What to you call a virus that gives you no appreciable symptoms?

    Answer: nobody knows, because nobody cares about it.

    Get on with your lives people! Government: butt out of our lives. Like everything you touch you’re turning is to crap.

  17. Except now the lefties won’t LET you get on with your life.
    They are setting everybody up to be uncaring asshole “murderers” who don’t CARE about their fellow man.
    Clapton got both shots and it gave him serious problems. He regrets ever going through with it and has some seriously career-ending physical ailments.
    You know what they call him now?
    A “washed up has-been asshole” because he dared come forward and speak about the issues of the clot shot.
    And Van Morrison? A total pariah now.
    That’s how they work. It’s like that old chestnut,
    “Scratch a liberal and you’ll find a fascist”

  18. Trudeau is a known schemer, amateur, and scammer, a comical illiterate in the world of professional hackers, impostors, and deceivers. His vaudevillian attempts at world power and increasing his ill-gained wealth via a fraudulent plandemic is laughable. He’ll hear the roaring laughter of the gods ringing in his ears for all eternity.

  19. The lie only works one way. You can’t tell us to be vaxxed and not get the Common Cold (That’s what this Hoax Covid really is) and then take action against the population and tell us all that you can still catch the hoax cold! Then there is NO point in taking the phony “jab”. You have just admitted the “vaccine” is as phony as the governments’ pushing it!

  20. How much more clear can it be when the Canadian Prime Minister makes the claim that vaccinated people are at risk? This is all a ruse to control the movements of individuals. Pure tyranny with backing by big tech, MSM and many politicians on both sides of the isle.

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