Trudeau Is Creating A Border Crisis – IOTW Report

Trudeau Is Creating A Border Crisis

DC: Canada’s official opposition says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is “politicizing” Canada’s immigration and refugee system to a dangerous degree. Conservative immigration critic Michelle Rempel told The Daily Caller that Trudeau “wants it both ways” by sending out two seemingly contradictory messages: Canada’s borders are open, but please respect the border as you walk across.

She says that equivocation is undermining the entire immigration and refugee process, and is instead sustaining a border crisis.

“It is completely irresponsible for the prime minster not to be clear what the expectations are. You have to tell people that crossing the border illegally is unsafe and illegal – period,” Rempel told The Daily Caller in an exclusive interview. “Maybe he just wants to appeal to left-wing supporters.” read more

8 Comments on Trudeau Is Creating A Border Crisis

  1. “Canada’s borders are open, but please respect the border as you walk across.”

    In other words, don’t step on the actual line when you violate our border….

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