Trudeau wants to test COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese army on Canadians ASAP – IOTW Report

Trudeau wants to test COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese army on Canadians ASAP

Rebel News: Justin Trudeau has invited the Chinese Army to inoculate Canadians with an alleged vaccine developed by the Chinese.

The formula, Ad5-nCoV, was developed by Xi Jinping’s army in partnership with a Chinese company, CanSinoBIO.

Trudeau’s health department hopes to have the military vaccine tested on certain Canadians by September of this year.

“Canada will now be part of the front-runner story,” said Roman Szumski, an executive at the National Research Council. more here

28 Comments on Trudeau wants to test COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese army on Canadians ASAP

  1. ‘Test’ it on yourself, your wife, you mother, your grandma and your dammed children FIRST you effing asshole!!

    IN PUBLIC, not something fake, but shoot up the real good shit!

    Fuck these Master ‘Disaster’ Planners.

  2. Revelation 16:2 “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth. Terrible and painful sores appeared on those who had the mark of the beast and on those who had worshiped its image.”

    Combine the vaccine with quantum dots for an identifying mark on those who have received it, so they can again participate in life and all of its activities, and what do you have?

  3. Does everyone understand now why I sound like an unhinged lunatic?

    This imbecile comes on the TV & radio everyday just before lunch and cuts into whatever you were listening to or watching just to ruin my lunch and sour my stomach.

    He said 2 days ago that it is not the Canadian military’s job to look after the elderly the provinces, yet he was ready to deploy them to enforce social distancing rules. Exactly the opposite of what the premiers of each province requested.

    I guess he was sending in the troops to tie us down for an injection.

    In contrast, Donal J. Trump orders in a Hospital ship to aid and handle overflow for the medical system specifically. What a difference in the interpretation of what protecting a nation really means.

  4. @JDHasty – you ruined my vision. Thanks! (btw that site has some serious coverage of the protesters in Hong Kong.)

    @Kcir – after I went to that link (vomit), I went to her wiki page, funny they make no mention of that! Not really.

    Turns out she was 18 when she married Pierre???! And he was almost thirty years older?? What a bunch of sick pups, may god help you ‘up’ there…
    Btw, we love going Quebec and the Isle D’Orleans…haven’t been up there in sometime but we did take a ferry from Cape Vincent,NY to Kinsgton,ON last year, then up to the 1000 Island bridge and back over.

    And we saw the below while waiting for the ferry, the coolest! Play this one LOUD:

  5. To all those commenting – my family always said that Prime Minister Trudeau inherited his mother’s brains as well as her looks. As well, it was a known fact that Pierre Trudeau was “gay,gay,gayer than Christmas” back in 1970 and was told by the Liberal Party to get married ASAP if he wanted to win the election.

  6. @Big Momma

    So Pierre spots this “lady” in fishnet stockings walking the streets in East Vancouver back in 1970, picks her up, and she becomes FWOC: First Whore of Canada.


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