True Believing Global Warming Scientist Assaults Skeptic – IOTW Report

True Believing Global Warming Scientist Assaults Skeptic


When liberals say the science is settled on man-made global warming what they really mean is: believe it or we’ll kick your ass. If you work for the National Weather Service and don’t buy into the idea that man is causing the planet to get hotter, you are definitely getting a beat down. The head of the NWS allegedly assaulted a meteorologist who dared to question the global warming myth.

Read about the assault HERE

15 Comments on True Believing Global Warming Scientist Assaults Skeptic

  1. It’s like the Norwegians who say biology has no place in science when it comes to determining the difference between male and female roles in the workplace. Rather, men and women are identical because science says biology is irrelevant.

    Same as the sun is irrelevant when it comes to climate on Earth.

    Now shutup and take your federal grant dollars or get beat down.

  2. This is another example of why Federal agencies bought dozens of arms and cases of ammunition several years ago, including the National Weather Service.

  3. Broken record here,
    1 of the many goals of
    communism as entered into
    the 1963 national congressional record…
    Killed our steel industry and kills

  4. You don’t believe the ever changing climate is destroying the planet??? Why, I’ll choke the living daylights out of you, stuff your lifeless body in a trunk and hide it in my closet!

    Love, Ira Einhorn, proud founder of Earth Day.
    Inmate #29888764

  5. Remember the good old days when scientific conclusions were reached by the evidence produced by reasoned study?
    Man were we ever a bunch of dinosaurs.

  6. I tried to watch PBS this week, first time in years (limited tv choices at this hotel). Three shows in a row–climate change, climate change, climate change.

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