True Joy – IOTW Report

True Joy

Deaf girl finds out she is going to be a big sister!

It takes a while for the child to understand that her mom is going to have a baby, but the look on her face when she “gets it” is precious.

The mother’s reaction made me cry.

Hat Tip – MaryfromMarin

11 Comments on True Joy

  1. Of course that’s a precious and personal moment. I’ll never understand posting something like that for public consumption. Cute little girl, I expect she will be a good big sister.

  2. joe6pak – I know what you mean. It may not be something that you or I would publish, but it fun to watch and a very pleasant break from all the political crap going on!
    Thanks for posting and congrats to the family!

  3. Claudia –

    I don’t give a damn what others may think about this clip.

    I just know it brought Joy to me to see the little girls expression. Being deaf is a burden more than I could handle.

    She doesn’t hear music, rain, coversation, somebody saying ‘I Love You’, puppies barking, kitty cats purring,…



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