Trump – IOTW Report


ht/ tsunami

6 Comments on Trump

  1. The real Trump story?

    I always thought the guy was kind of a goof. But he never appeared to be a LaRouche kind of goof. Considering the past 7 years and ruhtards like Jeb, I’m liking this guy more and more. Especially when he tells faggots in the media to GFT.

    But, I like Brawndo too. So don’t hold that against me. I do know right from wrong.

  2. The only way this video could have been better would be if Trump had called Obama a pussy.

    How on Earth is Shrillary going to compete with a guy who can pack a football stadium? Only thing she’ll ever pack is Bill’s bags when she finally kicks him to the curb.

  3. If anyone thinks we have a choice to the solution of fixing this nation, they couldn’t be more deluded. What’s the alternative to Trump? Everyone running, besides him, is owned, lock, stock and barrel, by big money. The only other candidate running as a true outsider is a brilliant neurosurgeon who cannot face-off the clintons or be rude to a communist.

    If there was ever a moment so clearly discerned as Divine intervention, now is that time. Trump wasn’t ready, personally, to run in ’12. His kids weren’t ready to take over his business. He is not the CEO of mega-corporation like Walmart — someone who earns a paycheck while being protected from the masses the company employs. No, he’s a sole proprietor who is intimately involved with every deal his company does. His name is literally on his product, and fails or succeeds in the the most brutal industry there is — most of it hospitality in some form or other. No one walks faster to your competitor than an unhappy guest.

    Everyone is trying to compare him: Reagan, Goldwater, A male version of Palin, even to hitler. In my mind Trump is without peer in post-1900 politics; maybe even earlier. He can’t quote Cicero, Burke or Eliot, and the only Rush he knows is Limbaugh, not Dr. Benjamin. But he’s hit every single issue squarely on the head with such force he’s moved the needle off the Left’s long-playing record. That is that jolting scratching sound we all heard. And it’s wonderful.

  4. I agree about the divine intervention part. God gave the Jews Moses, and now He’s given the United States Trump.

    Are we going to be smart, like the Jews, and embrace him?

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