Originally commissioned by Joe6Pak, which was a redux of the ENOUGH flag flown by Chris Cassone while performing his patriotic tunes at venues across the country, we are posting this iconic Trump image again.
Joe and I have plans for a 2020 redux. Stay tuned.

I have a couple of those magnetic signs. They get lots of complements
So tell me….how do you not love that image? Great work BFH!!
Okay, spill the beans, guys! What’s the plan for 2020?
Funny, I just today sent the original to Pepe Andy Garcia who is a raging Trumptster and conservative maniac. Find his wonderful posts on Facebook
@Joe6pak – thank you, btw there is much to gather from that era…memes and other strategies, ‘they’ have forgotten about, but not us.
Looking forward to what is up your sleeve!
good stuff. Next make him leading a cavalry charge with thousands of trumpsters behind him.
POTUS has things in both sleeves for the Swamp.
Long swords, like a good ole Calvary officer.
@JDHasty April 19, 2020 at 12:16 am, or BFH
Where can I get one of those magnetic signs?
Before Trenton,1776:
Gen. Washington consults with his command,
@ Joe6pak – Sundance (a great resource), or whoever can do whatever, This is the place to be.
You should make these bumper sticker size and flood Virginia with them.
@Bad_Brad – yes, with an added silhouette of an AR or other rifle strapped on his back…on his way to the State capital(s).
I think, at the time and in hindsight, Paul Revere or other Patriot, would have been carrying, just saying.
That is my only ‘crit’ @BFH.
Oh yah. That’s great Sir Hat.
If a mag bumper sticker, count me in.
It’s a work in progress. Text being considered: “TRUMP 2020”. Also, “We are all Preppers Now!”, I’m not sure how that would be received or interpreted. Any thoughts? These are to be given away so any good ideas will only get a free magnetic sticker, but good ideas are encouraged.
My thoughts are you only want one version. It doesn’t need any text. And an AR on that small of an image could wreck the intent. Maybe make the horse a little sleeker. Just my two cents. I think it’s close.
Brad, the tailgate image is 12” X 18”. You can get away with a limited amount of text on that size of a sticker. Certainly a bumper sticker size would be much smaller. And you’re right, text on that size of an image is too small. My preference is to stay with 12” X 18”. I don’t think any one pays attention to anything smaller. It’s possible that is my 64 year old eyes believing that’s what everyone sees, so you have to take that into consideration.
OK, maybe a title. “It’s Our Turn Now”
“Liberate America!”
Joe, I think if you want to flood the hot spots with that image, it has to fit on a bumper sticker.
Count me in for a couple of bumper stickers, too, please. (Magnetic or not, doesn’t matter—I have my own magnetic blanks.)
I like the design as is, although it was a little difficult to distinguish the “T” at first.
Brad, flood the hot spots, haha, if I win Powerball I can do more. Right now my thinking is to make a contribution to Trump’s re-election without getting on a dozen mailing lists. I’ve got my signs in about 20 states, but I damn sure have not flooded any hotspots. I’m not claiming any ownership rights so anybody that wants to flood the hotspots you have my endorsement. Brad, once I make some new ones you can be sure you are on the mailing list.
How do I order a couple of these from you? Will pre-pay plus shipping, of course.
I changed my mind on the title. What’s cool about this image is it’s understated.
Ann Nonymous Prime, right now I’m about out. But I will be getting many more and I’m looking forward you sending them out. I’m thinking 3 weeks.
Brad, the more I think about it, the more I agree. Maybe put in a 2020, maybe not.
How much for three plus shipping? And how can I get the $$$ to you? Without posting info online…
Joe6, lean out the front of that horse. Make the image sleeker, and you got yourself a rally flag there .
Reference to Red Dawn…rag tag bunch of patriots fighting against communism.
Wolverine is the mascot of the University of Michigan-the state where the first “Liberate!” started.
Create a sleek Trump profile/portrait that references a Wolverine-like that cool design an artist did of him with a lions mane. A Wolverine would be a challenge for sure. Also, there is the comic book Wolverine character who has “stylish” hair…that might work too.
(My 2 cents is to leave gun references off the image. Limits the audience.)
I have a stencil cutter, I puffed it up and may borrow it, if I might, to print yard signs?.
The star in the blue field is pointed up if one looks at the star by itself. But it is upside down in relation to the flag (might be a problem w/ Christians).
LOVE it! I want one.
1Harpazo – I’m Southern Baptist Convention and I sure as hell don’t have a problem with it.
Maybe some Satan-worshipping filthy Mohammedan would have a problem but not me
@Mansfield lovell
You proved me right. It might be a problem; it might not as in your case.
I have three of these; the original, one for Cruz and this one for Trump (thanks, Joe6pak!). I love them all (the first two are on my fridge and the Trump one is on my car). I might be a purist, but don’t change the horse or rider or flag, just the sign part.
If you keep “Trump”, I don’t see how you can add 2020 without putting it under “Trump”. If you trail it after “Trump”, that would increase the length of the sign, unless you squished the letters. That might make it hard to see the words.
Are you thinking of replacing “Trump” with KAG 2020? I don’t think I’d like that.
Oooo, I just had an idea! How about putting 2020 in the “dust” from the horse’s galloping? Nah, that might make people think that 2020 isn’t important, being in the dirt and all.
How about putting 2020 (in red) on the horse? Begin just after the chest and going to just behind the rider. Start with a bigger 2 and streamline it with it looking like it’s streaming because the horse is running so fast.
I’m sure whatever you come up with will be as terrific as they all are. Joe6pak, I would love one. I know you say they are free, but can we give a donation? I’ll need to get you my new address, so let us know how, k? THANK YOU!!!
PS The star is just the same as it is on the official USA Flag. Why would the artist change it? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/1920px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png
@Joe6pak – I had a thought, while keeping all of your design.
How about a ‘screened’ (lightly printed in a gray tone maybe) the map of USA in the back round with your design, superimposed over the map. By scale, the horse and rider front hoof would just be in California with the banner flying over the Dakotas and Great Lakes, with the tail of the banner making it Maine, sea to shining sea.
Sketch it out, could be interesting?
Like a rallying ‘charge’ across the entire nation.
Regarding the addition of a rifle? A revolutionary rebel most definitely was ‘historically’ carrying. And the text? I think ya should just add….2024…ha!
Oh, and I kinda prefer the stars and bars, that one star looks a bit like the Lonestar?? And hey I love Texas!
Hey, Joe6pak when does your mass MASK production begin???
I want one. But, I not play Powerball either, so I could never help you out!
Bumpers stickers are classic, but we are into a new, New.
Like part of a new patriot ‘Uniform’.
ghost, that’s a good idea about the map. One thing I have to correct you on, credit for the design belongs to BFH. All I get credit for is printing them.
Maybe do the John Wayne reins in teeth bit from “True Grit”, but with the Trump banner replacing one of the guns…
…the John Wayne tag line is still good for our President to be yelling, tho. “FILL YOUR HAND, YOU SONOFABITCH!”
…and then he goes in, guns blazing…
…but really, I don’t like the historical fate of the standard-bearer. That was a SERIOUSLY high risk job because a flag isn’t a great weapon, and is real awkward besides…but it was a SEVERE dishonor to let it fall, even to defend yourself. That’s why they used the eponynomously named ensigns for that, that was a low officer rank because he was pretty likely to get killed, and you didn’t want your top commanders getting shot out of the saddle while the situation was still developing. Ask Longstreet’s boys about that.
Some Civil War battles were ranked in severity by how many guys picked up the flag and got shot. It wasn’t a comment on their bravery or skills, they were just an easy target for their reduced mobility, reduced vision, high visibility, and high demoralizing value to the enemy if he could pick one off.
While I realize that the President IS bearing our fallen standard and drawing HEAVY fire because of it, perhaps it’s time to signifiy that WE have a responsibility to HELP him at this point. Maybe he’s charging out in front with a sabre, flanked by a deplorable holding the standard angled fowards towards the unseen enemy?
…needs a bugler too, not sure who. Maybe BFH?
…nahh, too busy and too much context, sorry, probably your idea is best. But someone did say give him a sabre and a slung AR silhouette, maybe those WOULD be nice adds…
@SNS – that was excellent.
And yes the bugler, at that time, was as important, in a way, as the carrier of the flag. That bugler was actually an point of contextual help for any soldier on the field of confusion. And a bugler told them enemy, in a way, that the oncoming force was to be reckoned with.
We can all be buglers, but the courage to pick up the flag after it goes down takes a different type of courage. You said it.