Trump Addresses the Idea of Him Taking Revenge – IOTW Report

Trump Addresses the Idea of Him Taking Revenge

14 Comments on Trump Addresses the Idea of Him Taking Revenge

  1. I like President Trump’s positivity! Remember Martin Luther King is remembered for his speech “I have a dream”. He is NOT remembered for “I have a nightmare!”
    I agree “Be Successful, Be Positive, Kill with Kindness!” And oh by the way, “Your services are no longer required!”

  2. This woman does not speak for me. I want him to “settle old scores” to the extent that the law allows. This involves investigating and prosecuting criminality that occurred on Biden’s watch, in any iteration that transpired. Special councils were designed and formulated under law for this exact purpose, it’s not revenge, it’s justice, It is fortifying our existing criminal justice system in a fashion that compels the citizens to say ,”See, it works, no one is above the law ands equal justice is applied, as it should be”.

    The other aspect is this, if he does not win he is going to prison, unjustly of course, but it will happen and it will be the biggest stain on our nation’s honor and integrity, it will be the point of no return.

  3. If he gets four more years and doesn’t dismantle the FBI and other 4th branch administrations, Then the FBI and 4th branch Admin will dismantle everything he accomplishes the day he leaves office.

  4. WE DESERVE ACCOUNTABILITY. This is NOT about Trump. Millions have been murdered, permanently injured, businesses have been destroyed, thousands were pushed to suicide, and ALL RESPONSIBLE must be held to account. And unless the HARSHEST OF JUSTICE is imposed, they will do it again.

  5. Put the Constitution in yer back pocket and work up a Number 6 on ’em… where we go a-ridin’ into town, a-whompin’ and a-whumpin’ every livin’ democRAT that moves within an inch of its life. Except the women folks, of course…. well, lemme think about that one.

  6. Oh, this trap set-up already? I don’t want him to take the high road. I want him to meet them with same. I want to see people fined and/or be sent to prison. I want to become so sick of winning.


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