Trump Admin Sanctions Iranian Space Program for Covering Nuclear Weapons Work – IOTW Report

Trump Admin Sanctions Iranian Space Program for Covering Nuclear Weapons Work


The Trump administration, in a global first, issued sanctions on Iran’s space program, which has long operated as a front for Tehran’s advanced work on nuclear capable ballistic missile technology.

The latest sanctions come as Tehran’s economy teeters on the brink in the face of the Trump administration’s tough economic penalties. The new sanctions are significant as the first time an American administration has targeted Iran’s space program and acknowledged it is all part of Iran’s nuclear weapons industry.

Iran last week took renewed steps to launch rockets and satellites as part of its space program. The latest launch is believed to have ended in catastrophe, according to satellite photos and a subsequent image of the destruction disseminated on Twitter by President Donald Trump. read more

5 Comments on Trump Admin Sanctions Iranian Space Program for Covering Nuclear Weapons Work

  1. Events in the Middle east are going to be driven by things beyond men’s control.

    They are going to come about as predicted long ago, the only thing men will decide is the means by which they are brought to fruition.

    An example is the calling back of the Jews – the end of the Diaspora- to return to Israel and Israel’s restoration as a nation. The event itself was ordained and prophesied long ago, but it was man that chose WWII as the means to bring it into fulfillment instead of some other means.

    So it doesn’t make any difference if we sanction Iran or not, the end result will be the same.

    Watch and see as it happens, but it is wisest to be preparing yourself while doing so.


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