Trump Admin. saves more than $30 billion by killing plan to convert aging plutonium into energy – IOTW Report

Trump Admin. saves more than $30 billion by killing plan to convert aging plutonium into energy

CFP: I can see why you might think, at first, that this didn’t really sound like such a bad idea. If we could take existing resources that are just laying around – or worse, presenting an environmental hazard – and turn them into an energy source, why not?

But there are several good answers to why not. We’ll start with this: It is not 1973 and we are not facing an energy crisis. We have abundant sources of energy already at our disposal and we’re developing more, in addition to the utilization of new methods – like fracking – of getting at them.

Second, the existing and plentiful sources we have are much more cost-effective to exploit and develop than this.

Third, this is looking more and more like a boondoggle designed to create economic impact for South Carolina, but not to really deliver value for the rest of the country, which is why Lindsey Graham is upset, but everyone else seems to recognize this is the right thing to do.

13 Comments on Trump Admin. saves more than $30 billion by killing plan to convert aging plutonium into energy

  1. “Just keep tabs on that shit. When the fucking progs get back in power they’ll sell that shit for dirty bombs to the highest terrorist bidder.”

    And blame Trump for causing it by scrapping this boondoggle.

  2. No brainer. Just like Lindsey, cheaper to bury. If we find a use later on we can always dig it back up. My guess we’ll unearth old plutonium before Lindsey.

  3. Cost to build and launch a Saturn V rocket (or modern equivalent ) $1.2 billion. Payload capacity is way more than 34 tons. Launch the shit and fly it into the sun.

  4. So, are we saying that Trump just found $30B he can use to build the wall?

    We can save even more by building the wall out of this “aged” plutonium. At least any illegal that gets over it will be easy to spot at night.


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