Trump Admin Tells U.N. Human Rights Council to End ‘Obsession with Israel’ – IOTW Report

Trump Admin Tells U.N. Human Rights Council to End ‘Obsession with Israel’

Breitbart: U.S. envoy Erin Barclay addressed the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva on Wednesday, asserting that America’s commitment to human rights is “stronger than ever,” but hinting that the Trump administration might reconsider its membership unless the HRC ends its “obsession with Israel.”

“The United States’ commitment to fundamental human rights is stronger than ever,” Barclay stated. “Regrettably, too many of the actions of this Council do not support those universal principles. Indeed, they contradict them.”

Barclay said the United States “remains deeply troubled by the Council’s consistent unfair and unbalanced focus on one democratic country: Israel.”

“No other nation is the focus of an entire agenda item,” she pointed out. “How is that a sensible priority? Right now, the Assad regime is bombing hospitals in Syria and forcing its own people to flee as refugees to neighboring countries to escape its murderous rule. Right now, in North Korea and Iran, millions of people are denied their freedoms of religion or belief, of peaceful assembly and association, and of expression.”  more here

3 Comments on Trump Admin Tells U.N. Human Rights Council to End ‘Obsession with Israel’

  1. Just get the fuck out of the UN and let them be Masters of Belgium, or some such nonsense. Why is President Trump wasting taxpayers’ money and time on this worthless, Globaloney-ist, crock of bullshit?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Now would be a great time to announce the embassy in Israel is being moved to Jerusalem. I’m not complaining but that seems like an easy “to do” that is just waiting for the right news story to give an added kick to.

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