Trump administration leaves Obama’s LGBT policies at Pentagon in place – IOTW Report

Trump administration leaves Obama’s LGBT policies at Pentagon in place

Daily Signal: The Defense Department recently held an LGBT Pride Month event, while the Army conducted transgender sensitivity training, moves that baffled retired Army Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin and some other conservatives.

They had expected that the new command, under President Donald Trump and Defense Secretary James Mattis, a retired Marine general, would revise if not reverse some of the Obama administration’s policies on transgender individuals in the military.

“I was very surprised, not so much by Donald Trump but by Gen. Mattis. I thought his total focus would be on military readiness and winning wars, and not social engineering,” Boykin told The Daily Signal.  more

14 Comments on Trump administration leaves Obama’s LGBT policies at Pentagon in place

  1. I don’t want our military to be sensitive. I want them to kick ass, take names, and be the baddest motherf-ers on the planet. Mattis said he keeps other people awake at night. He doesn’t do that by being sensitive and flying his rainbow flag and holding pride bake sales for bombs.

  2. Irresponsible expenditure of Tax Money.
    Mattis had just mentioned he was shocked at the poor level of Military readiness and preparedness. How does the pandering to perverts in the military increase readiness? It doesn’t !

  3. They not only need to do away with this, they need to exclude these sexual deviants from the military.
    The idea that having these kind of people in the bed next to and showering next to regular people and expecting it to be taken in stride is so ridiculous that it’s like our military is asking to get its ass kicked in the next war.

  4. Nothing! And I mean nothing! is going to make me bad-mouth President Trump. I’m not going to carry water for the Left in any way, shape, or form. I realized almost two years ago that he’s got a plan, and far be it from me to second guess it. I like winning more than I like “President Hillary Rodham-Clinton.”

  5. Gen. Mattis stated his priorities in January when he told a bunch of perv supporting senators that he doesn’t spend much time thinking about sexual deviants, as they do, and instead spends his time thinking how to kill our enemies or experience the longest most miserable day of their life crapping themselves from fear.
    (Well, that’s what I heard his say) .

  6. I remain puzzled as to why the Trump admin is leaving in place his voters and base absolutely loathe. Why do we still have a TSA? Why is there still a refugee program in place? If now is not the time to dismantle and overturn this crap, when will it be? Do Trump and his handlers not see these things?

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