GP: The Trump Administration carried out a “Red Wedding” on Friday, firing several Deep State officials who have sabotaged the United States for years.
As The Washington Post reported, Jeffrey Ragsdale, the head of the Office of Professional Responsibility, and Liz Oyer, the U.S. pardon attorney, were part of the carnage. Tara Twomey, the head of the Executive Office for U.S. Trustees, which oversees the administration of bankruptcy cases and private trustees, was also canned.
Ragsdale informed his colleagues of his termination in an email obtained by The Washington Post.
“I was advised this afternoon that I am being removed effective today,” he wrote. He then thanked his colleagues for their “hard work” and said he would miss them. more
So what do you call firing 6 corrupt DOJ officials?
Now bankrupt them like they did Flynn and Stone.
Firing is one thing….PROSECUTING is another. Let’s get the prosecutions GOING!!!
Clinton fired every single lawyer from Bush DOJ. Why are there any remaining???
Since we are talking about the DOJ what happened to the Epstein files? Wasn’t it a campaign issue? Yes, I think it was. Were we lied to? I’m beginning to wonder.
too bad, lawyer-*******
The “hard work” He referred to was sleeping on the job and finding excuses to leave at noon, and taking 4-hour lunches.
“ Since we are talking about the DOJ what happened to the Epstein files?”
I imagine that when there are hundreds of photos of BIll Clinton raping teenage victims, some blurring of the photos is required to avoid being guilty of distributing “child porn”. That kind of editing takes time.
^^^ Especially when the editors take some much looking at the photos…
Sunday, 9 March 2025, 15:32 at 3:32 pm
^^^ Especially when the editors take some much looking at the photos ONE HANDED …