Trump Administration Signaling Intention to Purge DoE – IOTW Report

Trump Administration Signaling Intention to Purge DoE


The Department of Energy freaked out Friday when a memo was sent to their department by the incoming administration seeking information on who had been attending UN global climate talks over the last five years.


Maybe they can all sue to get their jobs back on grounds of religious persecution.

21 Comments on Trump Administration Signaling Intention to Purge DoE

  1. DOE is a big organization including Sandia National Labs and Los Alamos. The H bomb was developed at Los Alamos. The DOE is not just energy. Much of what they do is top secret weapons. I’ve done machine work for both, including a dual parabolic dish arrangement that was picked up by a couple guys in uniform and flown directly to the big Sand Box.

  2. Bad_Brad
    True DOE does have authority over the nukes, but that could be easily parsed out to the military. My youngest and her beau work at Sandia, while DOE was the issuing authority for clearance, I think day in day out is mostly the Pentagon already.

  3. Sounds like the pukes who are ruining the lives of anyone who refuses to believe the lie that global warming is caused entirely by man are afraid that they are going to get the same treatment. Well, too goddamn bad for them, they started this bullshit, now they can pay the piper.

  4. “When Donald Trump said he wanted to drain the swamp it apparently was just to make room for witch hunts and it’s starting here at the DOE and our 17 national labs,” the employee said. Buddy, I can’t think of a better place to start.

  5. Just Al
    “True DOE does have authority over the nukes”

    Believe there’s more to it than that. There’s a steady stream of bad ass machine work that rolls out of Sandia that is not Nuke related.
    We also did a lot of work for Lawrence Livermore Labs on their NIF program. But that was shut down when sequestration set in. That’s some fascinating technology. The Livermore facility is probably about 50 acres and half of that is behind double rows of Constantine wire with dogs and heavily armed guards. Nobody knows what goes on there.

    They have a scale right in front of the desk you check in at and the record your weight. Weird.

    NIF was all about fusion energy and they have some incredible stories to tell. Growth rate of salt crystal and kidnappeng a couple Russian scientist that had a theory on how to expedite the growth rate. Which worked. Probably the most interesting work I’ve ever been involved in. But the damn regents from Cal State Bezerkly actually controlled the purse string and those whacky bastards would cut funding for no particular reason at all.

  6. Sunlight with some Trumpian
    applied elbow grease and see
    the cockroaches run in circles.
    The song and dance farce for the
    AGW climate BS paychecks is over
    and the EPA is full of real witches
    well worth rooting out.

  7. The Chinese got their miniaturized nuclear weapons all squared away from data stolen from our labs. Nice job DoE.

    Fire every one of those incompetent SOB’s. And whose bright idea was it to place the control of those labs within the University system of California?

    Lots and lots of people need to be shot.

  8. @Brown Eyed Girl — “I can’t think of a better place to start”
    Actually, I vote for the IRS.
    Then the EPA.
    Then the DOE (Energy).
    Followed by DOE (Education)
    But in actuality any order is good.

  9. Nuclear weapons aside, the fiction that govt depts run by multiple other govt agencies are better able to do energy related research, develop products, and deliver those products better than private research institutes and private industry needs to be very closely examined by DJT and his crew. And that’s saying nothing about criminalizing activities that don’t meet their criteria, either arbitrary or ideological.

    All that seriousness aside: the Yahoo news article made me giggle.

  10. Good!… Get those lying, stupid, thieving, armageddonist climate cult motherfuckers out of the bureaucracy ASAP. GW let them flourish there and it was a huge blunder. No one with a brain in their head believes that climate cult bullshit; so stop having it drive government policy one minute longer.

  11. Everyone need to go and read the full article that WUWT posted, the Trump team sent them 74 pointed questions that they will have to answer now or after he is President.
    Just wait for the questions he has for the EPA and the IRS.
    WUWT is a great site on all things climate.

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