Trump Administration to boot departments, employees out of DC – IOTW Report

Trump Administration to boot departments, employees out of DC

Western Journal: The U.S. Department of Agriculture is moving two agencies and roughly 700 federal employees out of Washington, D.C., to save money and improve the department’s service to taxpayers.

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced Thursday that the Economic Research Service and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture will be fully moved out of the nation’s capital by 2020, according to the USDA.

A location hasn’t been picked yet.

“It’s been our goal to make USDA the most effective, efficient, and customer-focused department in the entire federal government,” Perdue said in a statement.

“In our Administration, we have looked critically at the way we do business, with the ultimate goal of ensuring the best service possible for our customers, and for the taxpayers of the United States.

“In some cases, this has meant realigning some of our offices and functions, or even relocating them, in order to make more logical sense or provide more streamlined and efficient services,” Perdue said. MORE HERE

21 Comments on Trump Administration to boot departments, employees out of DC

  1. I’ve always hated that they were in one place. Different depts. hanging out trying to out-asshole each other.

    While they’re moving them out, Trump can permanently end a lot of other bullshit agencies during the distraction.

  2. Exactly MJA, many will remain and that allows the agency to hire employees with the right attitude or perhaps not even fill many jobs that were not needed in the first place. I doubt any of them are really in touch with what is really going on in the heartland of America. Time to break up the cabal in D.C.

  3. You’re probably right, MJA. I think the move itself will be good in the long run. Interior Secretary earlier talked about moving BLM to the West, which makes a lot of sense, too. Jarhead Cracka

  4. For the deep staters in DC, this is the equivalent of being exiled to Siberia. Hahaha.

    Welcome to Kentucky, Iowa, South Dakota, etc.

    Where men are still men and the women can kick your skinny asses.

  5. All of your Congressmen and Senators should be relocated from DC as well. They can cast their vote from your local state capitol. Have a video conference call with their colleagues. Skype. Face to face discussions.

    Less opportunity for graft or for your local numbnut to go national, start a new life with a new family or suddenly decide to start exploring their perversions.

  6. There are some really, really remote areas in the US. Wide open prairies with nothing to see but prairie dogs. Little out of the way places where you have to drive 150 miles to a walmart. Some reservations need employers too. I’m thinking upper middle SD, western ND, eastern Mt. Where the only thing to do is fish, hunt or raise cattle. Those are the regions that need an influx of cash. Kind of like when Stalin forced people to populate and mine Siberia. And if they dont want to go, eliminate the position or hire a local.

  7. Don’t forget to lower their pay and allowances to be level with the local area. Don’t need big time DC money inflating the local economy to where the locals can’t afford to live there.
    I’ve seen that too much lately with Kalifornicators who sell their overpriced shacks, move to another state, outbid the locals for a (to them, bigger) house, and pay cash. Raises the local economy out of reach for the locals.

  8. USDA is one of the truly bloated low-value fed agencies. 2nd in size only to DOD. Their primary mission is to take your tax $$ and funnel it to corporate agribusiness. Why do we need USDA in this day and age other than maybe for some food inspection/safety? Someone else probably should be doing that (why allow farming agency to inspect & approve farming products, you wouldn’t set it up that way). Needs to be cut down to at least 25% of current size. Also has 2nd largest building in DC area behind Pentagon. Too damned big

  9. The more people who buy organic foods the more the prices will come down. There was a recent court decision against Monsanto maker of Roundup that is a carcinogen, 289 million awarded to a Roundup applicator guy. Appealing but still looks like landmark case to me. DoA needs to address stuff like this and also the CAFO travesty before our water tables get polluted. Put them out where there’s no Whole Foods and what will they buy? they might have to grow their own food


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