Justice Department Will Cut Ties to SPLC – IOTW Report

Justice Department Will Cut Ties to SPLC

New American: Shortly after the news broke that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) still maintained some ties to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) — a far-left fringe group widely condemned as an anti-Christian “hate group” by critics — Attorney General Jeff Sessions dropped the hammer. Speaking in front of a mainstream Christian group of pro-freedom attorneys maligned by the SPLC, the Justice Department chief pledged that the DOJ would not be partnering with any organizations that unfairly slander or discriminate against Americans for their faith. Everybody, including the SPLC, knew exactly who Sessions was talking about — the SPLC, of course.

While the radical group has become increasingly discredited and marginalized in recent years, the attorney general’s comments may represent the final nail in the coffin for whatever credibility the SPLC might have still possessed among law enforcement.  MORE

10 Comments on Justice Department Will Cut Ties to SPLC

  1. In their earliest beginnings, they had validity. Now? No.

    “”Those on both the Left and Right have the same question: what kind of nonprofit that has ‘poverty’ in its name hoards nearly a hundred million dollars in offshore accounts? The SPLC will now have to update its treasure map to keep track of its massive offshore fortune,” said Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, the executive vice president of the Family Research Council.”


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