Trump and the demise of ISIS – IOTW Report

Trump and the demise of ISIS

American Thinker: One of the many areas where the liberal media is loath to give President Trump credit is the demise of ISIS.

To recall, this group of Islamic psychopaths expanded its domain in short order to include wide swathes of Iraq and Syria under the Obama administration.  Showing his “sophisticate worldly” grasp of the situation, President Obama dismissed ISIS as a “junior varsity” and then watched impotently as ISIS gobbled up ever more ground and committed one unspeakable atrocity after another.  The cancer of ISIS was spreading so fast back in 2014 that “informed opinion” had it that these fanatics would capture enough oil-producing parts of Iraq to make them a permanent fixture in the Middle East.

Back in those days, a dear friend of mine, a liberal and NPR devotee, was so upset by the continual outrages of ISIS that she asked in frustration, “Why doesn’t God just destroy those barbarians?”  It’s an understandable sentiment.

Now, nobody would mistake Donald Trump for God, but he seems to be the answer to my friend’s prayers.  In ten short months, the Trump administration has put ISIS on the verge of total collapse in Iraq and Syria.  Just last week, ISIS lost its capital and stronghold at Raqqa.  The tide has so completely turned that the International Red Cross is now concerned that all the captured ISIS militants might not receive humane treatment at the hands of their captors.

Imagine that.  read more

7 Comments on Trump and the demise of ISIS

  1. Common sense and a rational approach to these murderous thugs is all it took. Trump applied both and reaped the results you’d expect. Why that is so rare in Washington speaks to the low quality of our representatives. Way past time to oust these fattened ticks.

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