Trump Announces 2024 Run – Open Thread – IOTW Report

Trump Announces 2024 Run – Open Thread


58 Comments on Trump Announces 2024 Run – Open Thread

  1. Can’t wait for the charges to be filed. What charges, you ask? Doesn’t matter. They will throw anything and everything at Trump, no matter how ridiculous, just as they have done since 2016.

  2. I think by 2024, he will have lost what’s left of his “base.” I think he wore himself thin with all the rallies. His first mistake was less than a year ago when he was pushing his jab and hundreds were dropping dead. Big mistake, his handlers told him to shut his pie hole when the backlash started. People like myself do not forget. I no longer trust him–I don’t trust anyone, been burned too many times by politicians. DeSantis is in his way. BTW, I was a big supporter of Trump, sent $$$ to his campaign, voted for him twice. He’s fallen out of favor with me.

  3. I believe he is the only person on earth with the fortitude to fight the swamp who also loves this country enough to sacrifice everything to protect it. He’s clean as a whistle – the swamp proved it by not finding anything for 7+ years.
    74+ million votes in 2022, with more people waking up daily!
    Are there patriots inside the swamp who will do what is right for the country and stop the stealing of another election in 2024?
    It may be too late already – the enemies of the people have two more years to continue their ultimate crime against humanity.

  4. I was disappointed to see him going back and forth between teleprompters like he was watching a tennis match. Too much like watching Barky. His handlers probably stressed the importance of sticking to the script and to zip it with the attacks and cute nicknames.

  5. Trump could win easily if election reform actually happens. The Dem cheat is well established. What could he have accomplished if didn’t have to fight the swamp? How many of his trusted people in the White House, were actually swamp rats? Many believed the JAB was a good thing, and still do.
    MSM needs to be flushed down the drain. Many of the media need to be charged with sedition. Then start arresting those in congress that have made huge profits at the expense of the American people. A couple former Presidents on that list as well.

  6. If you’ve given up on Trump, you’ve given up on our country and gave into the Left.
    Trump is our only hope for the United States. NOT DeSantis!
    Trump has exposed our corrupt elections and the Media/Left are (successfully) winning with their “election denier” bullshit.
    Dems will attack DeSantis just as much as they attacked Trump.
    DeSantis might go way of all other POLITICIANS that had great promise but turned into HUGE DISSAPOINTMENTS. Trump MADE DeSantis, as he did Mike Pence, Barr, and all the other Turncoats.
    Trump brought DeSantis from losing to Gillum to a decisive win. Where is the LOYALTY?
    Trump is the ONLY ONE to overturn the CORRUPT political system. He’s the BIGGEST threat and they will do ANYTHING to stop him.
    You give up on Trump – you gave up on America. TRUMP or BUST!

  7. I wish he had waited to announce his candidacy. I’m tired of the endless arguments and debates. A lot of us need a furlough from this battle. President Donald J. Trump was a victim of the greatest political conspiracy in the history of this Country, and none of the traitorous perpetrators will ever be brought before an honest Judge or Jury. Dementia Joey and the Kalamitous Jamindian won’t be the Dementiacrat nominees in 2024, they will be replaced by “Moderates” in order to gather up the Independents who cannot stand Trump.

  8. The swamp and propaganda machine (media) are trying to discourage us and convince us we are tired of Trump. They want things to go back to where they were. With the anointed globalists taking office and making promises they never intend to keep.
    Someone will ask him about the clot shots. Hopefully he admits he was lied to by the Scarf Queen and Fauxci. Birx already admitted they lied in order to control the narrative.
    At least he will end the stupid mandates.
    By the way, I am glad Ivanka and Jared don’t want to be involved in politics right now.

  9. Trump no longer has the element of surprise. All politicians Tweet like crazy now so that’s no longer unique. He won’t make it.

    DeSantis really is the best choice. He’s held an executive level government position and is tested. I like the fact that he uses the bully pulpit but also uses policy action. He has ambition but also gets results.

  10. @Mr_Pinko November 16, 2022 at 10:14 am

    If you’ve given up on Trump, you’ve given up on our country and gave into the Left.
    Trump is our only hope for the United States. NOT DeSantis!

    Far too many have made Trump out to be GOD. How many times have we voted to elect a Savior for this country only to be dealt a blow to God and country. I won’t vote for our demise, and to say Trump is our only hope, is putting God in a box. There’s only 1 HOPE, and God is still in control. /just saying

  11. I am glad, while not perfect he seems to hbe the only one that sticks to issues I am actually concerned about. Wish he was going third party b/c the Republicans are as unreliable and untrustworthy as the dems. The whole of Washington needs cleaned out and Trump is the only one consistently interested in accomplishing that goal. I will still back him, but until we get to one day voting, ID required, and paper ballots nationwide, it is a lost cause.

  12. Chappelle said it best – Trump was something we’ve never seen before, calling out the deep state, corrupt media, rich people playing a rigged game while everyone else gets shafted, etc.

    I’m still all for that stuff and would vote for him again, but everyone has now seen his hand.

    How did he handle the corruption he called out? Well he was shafted by the people he surrounded himself with and was left battle scarred with lie after lie and impeachment after impeachment from democrats. Democrats managed to get people who liked him before, or were indifferent, to come down with a severe case of TDS. So in the end, he didn’t really get much done, including not even getting a fraction what democrats launder to Ukraine for South Wall funding. I blame spineless republicans mostly.

    But we did have a great economy and peace around the world, minus everyone with TDS.

    ..But we saw how it was all handled. It was a damn mess. It should have been a dream with America First. We learned commies don’t give up so easily. Our side is still rotting in jail for an overhyped walk in the People’s House in defense of Trump that spineless republicans refused to participate in and sided with the commies. The commies would up that campaign against political opponents in a heartbeat.

    I’m all for Trump’s ideas for America, just doubtful Trump can pull off a win AND implement his ideas, given the strong opposition. Democrats will always be against him, but now we know a huge number of spineless republicans are too, who talk out of both sides of their mouth, some are more cowardly than democrats.

    If Trump manages the impossible, some things will get done. The dollar will dive along with interest rates so the stock market will rocket higher. He’s good for the economy, no doubting that. Democrats will not ever pay for their crimes though. She won’t be locked up and nothing will happen to Hunter and Joe…. or our cheating election process. I don’t know how we’re going to vote our way out of a fraud election process and get Trump in the WH in the first place. Again, I blame spineless republicans.

  13. I think I need to become not just an election worker (as I fear the clerk won’t call me in to work, only to the trainings as I’ve been to twice since presidental 2020) but I need to become a poll challenger and get some training pretty soon to do it. Poll watchers would go in the hall our city clerk announced at our summer election training by our county clerk. Who could see anything from there? if the election mess gets fixed then it would be PT’s biggest accomplishment besides the SCOTUS appointments that overturned Roe v Wade.

  14. I’m a Florida Man and I really like and respect our Governor DeSantis. He has proven himself now several times as both a dynamic and effective executive and as a vigorous politician.

    Gov. DeSantis would make a great President…after President Trump continues his work going after entrenched bureaucrats and swamp creatures especially in the “intelligence community.” I don’t think Gov. DeSantis could be as effective as Pres. Trump at that kind of no-holds-barred take-no-prisoners down and dirty fighting.

    Does Pres. Trump have lots of baggage? Yes. Does Pres. Trump have some flaws? Yes. Does Pres. Trump take some positions I disagree with? Yes. But I don’t care about that. He is the only one with whom there is any chance of “voting our way out of this.”

    TRUMP 2024
    DeSANTIS 2028

  15. I think this is a great opportunity for him to constantly be a thorn in the side of dems and the deep state. For the next 18 months he can work his magic and shine a spotlight on the fraud and corruption and make the dems defend their hypocrisy. He needs to be ruthless in his attacks. Be who he was in 2015 on the campaign, name calling and highliting incompetence and failure of both dems and republicans. Then 2 weeks before the primary, drop out and let Desane’s win the whole thing. I hope he can be a team player for the country.

  16. I hope Trump’s announcement is a declaration of war on the establishment. He is daring them to prosecute charges from J6 and Mar-a-logo, right? Regardless of his candidacy for President, he will disrupt the 2024 political landscape on both sides. I pray he is not reckless, but targets bad actors and burns them to the ground. Cheer up! The Trump 2024 campaign might just be another campaign in the war against the swamp.

  17. But, consider the choice we presently now have:

    Give Trump four more years while DeSantis watches and learns or becomes Vice President (a two-fer). Then, a possible four-to-eight years for DeSantis.
    Forget Trump and gamble on DeSantis for four years (if he wins), and a possible eight years.

    So, keep in mind how the “Red Wave” ended up in 2022 where Dem ballot harvesting/dumping and other dirty tricks seem to be improving their election odds since the Scamdemic.

  18. Trump ran for president on the platform of draining the swamp.
    He did nothing to stop the corruption.
    Now our country is in shambles so what make anyone think he will fix anything. He let the media run wild, the demoncrats get away with murder and the republicans sit on their asses and do nothing to help.
    So will this be a repeat of before?

  19. There are sure a lot of very very slow learners on this site. You would think after following what has been going on that people would be up to speed by now or at the very least pulled their heads out of their asses.

    1. There is very little doubt that DeSantis is GOPe. He has been bought and paid for. He has Rovian Republican cocktail crowd wall street billionaire backers. His main billionaire backer Ken Griffin stated he was backing Desantis to get “the republican party back in alignment with the multinational corporate world.” He also has now been officially endorsed by David Frum, Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan. Desantis 2024 is Ted Cruz 2016. He has the exact same team as Ted did except switch the National Review in 2016 for never-Trumper Shapiro’s Daily Wire in 2024. The GOPe uses the same playbook continually.

    2. Trump did push to get the VAcc done but was surrounded by people who lied to him constantly. He did not mandate it EVER. He did not want to keep the country locked down. That was Joe’s team.

    3. If we do not fix the voting system by 2024 no conservative will ever win. Wisconsin had a small group of mavericks that cleaned the voter rolls somewhat to prevent a total blood bath in that state and we should all get off the internet and worked tirelessly to get that done.

  20. I had lots of thoughts typed up but the bottom line is this. We will never have a Republican president until our electoral system is repaired. The Republican party did nearly nothing since 2020 in that regard. They like the system the way it is. Their inaction tells us that.

    Right now, it’s ballots not votes. It needs to be changed back to votes, not ballots. Until that happens, we lose. Time to cease with the hope and rah-rah this and rah-rah that.

  21. @Goldenfoxx

    I agree with your comment about God but not about Trump. It wasn’t his jab, it was Fauci’s. Trump is not a doctor or scientist so he had to rely on “the experts”. Fauci has proven to be on the globalists’ side.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it: We’ve got about 2,000 years from Jesus’ ascension to His return (see Joshua 3:3,4). Those who put their faith in Him will be taken and all those who are left behind will not survive God’s wrath. Let those who have ears…

  22. 1harpazo

    Totally agree. I think in a very short period of time they will be coming after us. Personally. Be it character assassinations, financial penalties, physical attacks. I can’t help thinking that that’s where we are headed. They hate us that much.

  23. On a related note I would really like to see our presidential election cycle shortened to 4 months or 6 at the most. Other countries do it and at the drop of a hat too. A vote of no confidence and they’re off to the races. Three months later they’ve got someone new in the top slot.

    24 months is a breeding ground for corruption.

  24. Brad, they’re testing out the digital currency program right now. Running a test on it for 12 weeks. When implemented, and we can be certain that it will be IMO, cash will be outlawed. The globalists will control our spending. Gas powered car? Nope. Electric, you bet. Beef for dinner? Nope, crickets or grasshoppers, take your pick.

    Here’s what else they’ll be able to do. Those that resist (think griping on social media or sites like this) will have the purchasing value of their digital dollars reduced. You won’t even realize it’s happening unless you start comparisons with others.

    Several U.S. financial institutions are collaborating to test the feasibility of a digital dollar based on distributed ledger technology.
    Participants include BNY Mellon, Citi, HSBC, Mastercard, PNC Bank, TD Bank, Truist, U.S. Bank, and Wells Fargo. The New York Innovation Center, part of the New York Fed, is also involved.
    The pilot will run for 12 weeks in a test environment and will involve central banks, commercial banks, and regulated non-banks.”

  25. Anonymous stated it PERFECTLY!

    “There are sure a lot of very very slow learners on this site. You would think after following what has been going on that people would be up to speed by now or at the very least pulled their heads out of their asses.

    1. There is very little doubt that DeSantis is GOPe. He has been bought and paid for. He has Rovian Republican cocktail crowd wall street billionaire backers. His main billionaire backer Ken Griffin stated he was backing Desantis to get “the republican party back in alignment with the multinational corporate world.” He also has now been officially endorsed by David Frum, Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan. Desantis 2024 is Ted Cruz 2016. He has the exact same team as Ted did except switch the National Review in 2016 for never-Trumper Shapiro’s Daily Wire in 2024. The GOPe uses the same playbook continually.

    2. Trump did push to get the VAcc done but was surrounded by people who lied to him constantly. He did not mandate it EVER. He did not want to keep the country locked down. That was Joe’s team.

    3. If we do not fix the voting system by 2024 no conservative will ever win. Wisconsin had a small group of mavericks that cleaned the voter rolls somewhat to prevent a total blood bath in that state and we should all get off the internet and worked tirelessly to get that done.”

  26. Many takeaways in what Mr Pinko put there, in particular to not fall for Media B.S. Election Denier? Call it for what it is. The democrats have cheated every election every step of the way.

    What’s being denied there is how democrats cheat every single election; not just here and there, every single time.

    So now the façade of an ill equipped puppet leader occupies an office he never earned. I can’t conceive of anyone better for the presidency in 2024 the already proven successful DJT.

    I’ve even heard a lame stream democrat mention a Fetterman Abrams 2024 ticket; as scary as it sounds there’re enough moronic voters to make it happen, and let’s not exclude cheating.

    While DeSantis deserves much kudos, American voters need to always remember Trump’s Presidency and PROMISES MADE & PROMISES KEPT.

    Not since Ronald Reagan has such greatness permeated the country. Donald J Trump is the best choice for POTUS.

    TRUMP 2024

  27. No one on this site is a slow-learner. We all have scar tissue and react differently to it.
    We all want the same thing, and no one is the enemy of the other. It’s just a matter of opinion on how we get there.

  28. GOOD!
    Glad he did not kow tow to the GOP left and Fox! I voted for him (twice) because he does not let the left – Ari Fleischer, Karl Rove, Mitch intimidate him!
    Forget not that 7 years ago these leftists said Don could not win! They lied then and are now! They were afraid he’d win; AS HE DID!

  29. This —> “If we do not fix the voting system by 2024 no conservative will ever win.”
    You can go and individually vote for whoever, but this most recent election cycle clearly shows how bad and corrupt the current system is nationally.

  30. I am glad Trump announced. He is the best fighter we have on our “side”, but he is not going to be able to slay the beast (so to speak). A commentor earlier mentioned the digital money system being tested. This is a grave threat to any liberty we have left and we are not going to vote our way back from this being pushed on us. Can we delay it some if we survive to 2024 and Trump actually makes it to the White House, maybe?

    As far as the shots are concerned, no Trump is not a doctor and he was lied to and he did not mandate any shots. I understand that, but that does not absolve him from advocating for the shots, pushing for them, cheerleading for them and telling people “they should get the vaccine, I took it and it’s good”, when it was CLEAR early on the shots were KILLING people and MAIMING them for LIFE. Children are dying from these shots right now as I type this. Many will have 10 – 15 years taken off their lives from the ongoing development of micro clots (Dr. Peter McCullough stated this over a year ago). Trump has to be aware of this and he must apologize for his grave error in judgment.

    Isaiah 44:6-8 King James
    6 Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.
    7 And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them shew unto them.
    8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.

    There is no God except God, and there is no one who can “get us out of this” except God.

  31. 1harpazo November 16, 2022 at 12:22 pm


    I agree with your comment about God but not about Trump. It wasn’t his jab, it was Fauci’s. Trump is not a doctor or scientist so he had to rely on “the experts”. Fauci has proven to be on the globalists’ side.

    I’m not a doctor either, but I do have common sense. Trump likes to say he acts on his intuition. He was on stage with Fauci and he listened to Fauci and Birk, both were in on the heist. He obviously heard and read about people dropping dead from the jab. He still pushed it less than a year ago. As I said, far too many put their faith and trust in a man with a bigger ego than any of us. Nary a word from Trump about the jab deaths – not a word — he doesn’t want that limelight on him.

    BFH November 16, 2022 at 1:08 pm

    No one on this site is a slow-learner. We all have scar tissue and react differently to it.

    One thousand thumbs up!

  32. Hey BillB
    “Joe Biden will beat him HANDS down”
    Joe Biden can’t even read a large text from a teleprompter. Get a grip you triggered leftist troll. Why are you here?
    I guess things are boring in the liberal echo chambers and cesspools.

  33. “We all have scar tissue and react differently to it. We all want the same thing, and no one is the enemy of the other. It’s just a matter of opinion on how we get there.”

    The scars are all likely from battered conservative syndrome. Sometimes hard things need to be said to shock people awake and get them out of their self-inflicted stupor.

    I am not saying that Desantis is a bad person it is just that the Republican party elites got to him because he essentially does not have the personal wealth the fall back on like Trump did. It is also intellectually disingenuous to think that the Desantis turned Florida red all by himself. Ron did great things for FL but Trump helped especially with his rallies in Miami Dade area a well-known corrupt democrat strong hold. It is too bad really because Ron and Don probably could have worked very well together.

    But a vote for Ron would be for the GOPe. Sure, Ron is better than any Dem and sure, they will let him work on some social issues such as school choice, transgenderism, crime, maybe gay marriage. However, his billionaire Wall Street backers include big agriculture so not much substantial will ever be done about immigration. Also Wall Street invested trillions into overseas manufacturing, and they will not allow many manufacturing jobs back into the United States. Ron’s acceptance speech when he won the governorship essentially stated the same thing, big on social issues nonexistent mention of economic issues.

  34. If the Republicans can get their act together and take control of the Senate, expand the control of the House, and Trump 2024, then DeSantis 2028 for two terms, then there is a hope for America. Otherwise, the democrats will turn it into a 3rd world country.

  35. I think what a lot of people miss when they say that it’s time for someone else is that it’s not Trump I’m for – it’s his America First agenda. To put it bluntly, I don’t know enough about anyone else, including DeSantis, to trust that they will stick with that agenda. It may not even be their agenda. It is ours. Trump, on the other hand, has stuck with that agenda for DECADES.

    Name someone else who has. Just asking.

  36. It occurred to me a couple weeks ago, when the whole “pandemic amnesty” tripe was first trotted out, that as soon as TRUMP announces a run at 2024, we’ll be subjected to; it’s all TRUMP’s fault for the clot shot being worse than the virus, yada, yada, yada! They’ll accuse him of “crimes against humanity”.
    Farkin prigs are so predictable.

  37. @@Mr_Pinko November 16, 2022 at 10:14 am

    > Trump is our only hope for the United States.

    Best. But not only.

    > You give up on Trump – you gave up on America.

    Oh. You’re one of those, “Women have penises, too!” grade liars. Still, Trump is The United States’ best hope against Americans. But not the only hope. Just look around.

  38. @ecp November 16, 2022 at 10:34 am

    > Our side is still rotting in jail for an overhyped walk in the People’s House in defense of Trump that spineless republicans refused to participate in and sided with the commies.

    That was all The Donald’s plan. And, unless you believe he’s dumber than Dementia Joe, had to be The Donald’s plan from the announcement. He called Americans to the slaughter house. He sent them (personally) into the chutes. He gifted them to his loyal “opposition”, as a distraction. Then went back to the office to pardon hundreds more of his friends and family.

    > I don’t know how we’re going to vote our way out of a fraud election process and get Trump in the WH in the first place. Again, I blame spineless republicans.

    Those are two sides of the same (fraudulent) coin. Toss it.

  39. @Brad November 16, 2022 at 12:09 pm

    > Name another person that can get us out of this mess.

    Nobody that can be named, has — even the slightest — interest in ending this mess.

    Those who might be interested are not illionaires.

    Pick a side.

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