Trump announces deal with Mexico – IOTW Report

Trump announces deal with Mexico

28 Comments on Trump announces deal with Mexico

  1. Unless the ones on the northern Mexico/US border are moved south and the ones from the south are denied entrance to Mexico’s border I say no deal.

  2. Again, no amount of border enforcement, at our southern border or Mexico’s southern border, will stem the tide of illegal immigration, until we begin enforcing the laws written into the original amnesty legislation during Reagan’s administration. We have to undo thirty years of judicial and administrative obstruction and slow walking. We don’t need new legislation. JUST ENFORCE!!!

  3. OH, thank god, now the light-weights can relax about seeing a .05¢ or .10¢ increase in their avocados which would have been MUCH MORE than a fair trade to keep the illegals at bay.

  4. I’ve got a feeling there’s a back door addendum to this agreement. Trump takes negotiations very seriously and it would be a bad idea to cross him. When he’s reelected he can finish building the wall. Then we can make Mexico deal with all the folks south of their border.

  5. mmm, yup, what are we doing with them? Maybe if a couple of them actually have Ebola it will give us the opportunity to put the military on the border with the intent to slam it shut.

  6. MJA…

    Gosh darn it you’re correct….45 years working with and around illegal aliens and I will profess to know that any of them that have been here since the late 80’s don’t want to be AMERICAN, learn English or assimilate. It’s too easy to get the benefits….

  7. Cheval de frise is whats’ we needs…at least at the river if not the rest of the border:

    Note what the article said about how we, you and I at the time, adapted during the Revolution.

    Ghost and the 14th ferry everything back and forth to the forts.'s_army,_Chevaux_de_Frise_between_Fort_Lee_and_Fort_Washington,_detail.jpg

  8. After all these years of Mexico playing the United States of America for fools, 5% tariffs should be mandatory. Negotiations with Mexico is useless. They will not honor any agreement to stop illegal immigration without very tough consequences. I hope during President Trump’s second term he makes Mexico literally pay for the Border Wall as planned.

  9. “And then is heard no more: it is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.”

    I wonder if RuPaul has plans for 2020 through 4?

    The True Conservatives will be appalled! Appalled, they say! Just like today.

    But at least the True Patriots will quit bleating their faith in The Plan.

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