GP: President Trump just dropped a major bombshell while visiting the Kennedy Center on Monday.
The president revealed that the JFK files will released to the public tomorrow, upholding a key campaign promise. There are roughly 80,000 of them.
“We are tomorrow announcing and giving all the Kennedy files,” Trump said. “People have been waiting for decades for this.”
Trump went on to say that a group of people led by DNI Secretary Tulsi Gabbard will be revealing the JFK Files. more
How much will be ” redacted”?
Here is something else that fell down the rabbit hole; can we get an honest no BS assessment of the ME governments (specifically SA) who financed/planned/contributed/covered up 9/11? Yes, it might embarrass the Bush presidency, but I don’t care, the people have a right to know about this.
All the bases in the middle east just went on “full war alert”, what ever that is. Trump’s at the Department of defense and Netanyahu is hold up in a bunker. Fun Fun.
Watched the press meeting. President Trump stated “These documents need to be released unredacted. They must be released totally unredacted. You all can read them and surmise what is in the over 80,000 pages.” Now to see what those 80,000 pages actually will look like.
Right, wrong or indifferent….let the truth be told and if that ends in conflict….let’s deal with it accordingly.
Sorry, but “major bombshell” my ass.
If the Houti pirates even dare to try to sink one of our ships, we need to go full all-out war on them and totally annihilate them off the face of the earth. I’m praying for the guided missile frigate the USS Gettysburg as well as the Truman and other supporting ships in particular because my nephew is a junior Navy officer on the Gettysburg.
The real truth will never be told by the “government”. About anything. “Normal” citizens could not digest the depths of corruption, deceit and depravity. Anarchy would ensue.
They get one warning shot across the bow and if they don’t heed it sink them and send them to the bottom of the Red Sea. And send in the B-52’s to carpet bomb Yemen into oblivion.
Still not holding my breath. And the CIA and FBI will only allow what doesn’t implicate them or the other critical parties (Israel?).
I’ve read enough Jame Ellroy to know –
the CIA did it, or
the mob did it, or
LBJ did it, or
Castro did it.