Trump asks audience to choose which democrat would be easiest for him to beat in November – IOTW Report

Trump asks audience to choose which democrat would be easiest for him to beat in November

BPR: President Donald Trump received raucous cheers and applause — including chants of “four more years” — during his rally Thursday evening in Charleston, South Carolina.

But while it was clear the crowd definitely wanted four more years of him in office, it was unclear which Democrat presidential candidate would be easiest for him to beat.

And so with this in mind, the president decided to conduct an impromptu mock South Carolina presidential primary poll. Watch:

11 Comments on Trump asks audience to choose which democrat would be easiest for him to beat in November

  1. watched this live & I thought the crowd wanted Comrade Bernie

    my $.02 is that Biden would be easier to beat because the Bernie Ho’s would rather the d’Rat’s crash & burn if Bernie loses & will do what’s in their power to sabotage the process … although Biden would have the d’Rat $$$ behind his campaign
    … but damn, he’s his own worst enemy & there will be no enthusiasm behind him (much like Dukakis, Dole, Kerry, McShitStain & Romney)

  2. WTH. Trump is supposed to be fuming in a bunker, shamed there by Carambavirus and the stock slide. And yet here he is doing this and that Bloomberg podium gag. Talk about a happy warrior.

  3. The spellbound democrats so want to rekindle the illusion they were living under during the Obama years. They thought they had created an unstoppable momentum toward the complete upheaval of the nation as founded.
    They’re confused, angry and disappointed by the choices they have and they know they’re looking at at least four more years before they’ll have another chance. In the meantime all of Obama’s “progress” is being systematically dismantled.
    Suck it dems!!!!

  4. None of the Dims are projected a win against Trump. If Biden gets the nomination it is the same status quo for the Dims. If Bloomberg gets the nomination it will prove the Dims are for sale. With either of those Berni will probably go independent and split the vote.

    But if Bernie gets the nomination it will show the nation how public education has failed the younger generations. #$%^! communists.


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