Trump Bings Sandy Ocrazy Cortez – Says Venezuela is a Victim of Socialism – IOTW Report

Trump Bings Sandy Ocrazy Cortez – Says Venezuela is a Victim of Socialism

14 Comments on Trump Bings Sandy Ocrazy Cortez – Says Venezuela is a Victim of Socialism

  1. I think it was Extirpates who used that the other day in the comments. So PERFECT! Sandy Ocrazy-o Cortex! The Democratic Socialite from Westchester! That description/name needs to be made permanent!

  2. There are cemeteries all over the world filled with the victims of socialism, how many do you figure, 100-200 million in the 20th century died as the direct result of socialism and/or the fight against it?

  3. On the CBS news show this morning, one reporter claimed that Venezuela got into trouble because oil prices fell. Yes, I’m sure falling oil prices didn’t help them, but citizens do not eat zoo animals when commodity prices dip.

    Leftists are searching for a narrative to justify Venezuela becoming a crap hole besides socialism.

  4. Wyatt, excellent point. The elite decided that Venezuela didn’t need to produce their own food any more, the government could just buy from other countries with the oil profits.

    The left won’t ever talk about these blunders.

  5. How many have been murdered by communist regimes?
    Black book of Communism says:
    65 million in the People’s Republic of China
    20 million in the Soviet Union
    2 million in Cambodia
    2 million in North Korea
    1.7 million in Africa
    1.5 million in Afghanistan
    1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
    1 million in Vietnam
    150,000 in Latin America
    10,000 deaths “resulting from actions of the international communist movement and communist parties not in power.”
    Statistics vary, but that’s a lot of souls.
    Anyone know how Planned Parenthood compares?

  6. @CC
    Now, add those killed by the National Socialists (Nazis) and those killed in Europe in WWII fighting them. The grand total is staggering. And your point about PP is a valid one, eugenics is a central theme of socialism.


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