Trump Brings The LOLs As Romney Takes A Swipe – IOTW Report

Trump Brings The LOLs As Romney Takes A Swipe

Biden sets up Trump for a hilarious ad while Mitt Romney takes to Twitter to air his grievances.

13 Comments on Trump Brings The LOLs As Romney Takes A Swipe

  1. just to let y’all know …. Collins is voting ‘no’ on Barrett
    not abstaining, as she earlier promised … voting ‘no’!

    that’s 48/52 … if Murkowski votes ‘no’ & Mittens votes ‘no’ … there is no wiggle room for fellow weasel Lamar Alexander (he’d love to do it just for spite, ala McShitStain)… Barrett loses (so does Trump, so does the US, so do we)

    reality’s a bitch

  2. All hail the Delecto Manifesto.

    ::Monty Python Ass Trumpets playing::

    F—k off, Mitt. Maybe if you’d hugged your garbageman, let the dog ride in the car and DIDN’T GIVE JOE SOPTIC’S WIFE CANCER, YOU’D BE FINISHING YOUR SECOND TERM. Now STFU and confirm ACB like a good boy..

  3. Poor Mittens.
    Trounced by a semi-retarded mulatto faggot he just can’t seem to get a grip.

    Whadda dey call it? Windmilling? There was always some kid who couldn’t fight (with or without a baseball bat) and flailed his arms – making himself a laughing stock. Poor kid usually bit his lip until he bled. His opponents would just stand back till he exhausted himself. No need to hit him – the laughter was more devastating.

    Mittens – YOU ARE A PUSSY.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. You know that guy “The Mormon.” Learn what Mormons believe then take a swipe. I betcha Romney wears the sacred underwear for Mormons. I think Romney and Biden fits more into Scientologists way of thinking – crazy!


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