Trump Calls For Chuck Todd to Be Fired For Deliberate False Hit Job Against Barr – IOTW Report

Trump Calls For Chuck Todd to Be Fired For Deliberate False Hit Job Against Barr

Daily Wire-

The remarks that “Meet The Press” deceptively edited came from the following exchange from an interview that Barr had with CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge:

HERRIDGE: In closing, this was a big decision in the Flynn case, to say the least. When history looks back on this decision, how do you think it will be written? What will it say about your decision making

BARR: Well, history is written by the winner. So it largely depends on who’s writing the history. But I think a fair history would say that it was a good decision because it upheld the rule of law. It helped, it upheld the standards of the Department of Justice, and it undid what was an injustice.

Todd’s segment only aired the first two sentences from Barr’s answer and cut off the rest.

Todd followed the clip by snapping, “I was struck … by the cynicism of the answer. It’s a correct answer. But he’s the attorney general. He didn’t make the case that he was upholding the rule of law. He was almost admitting that, yeah, this is a political job.”


18 Comments on Trump Calls For Chuck Todd to Be Fired For Deliberate False Hit Job Against Barr

  1. Man I love this President. He’s set the bar high for any future conservative president. Really makes me wonder just WTF GW was thinking all those years he remained silent. President Trump sure as fook doesn’t roll like that.

  2. Deception is the rule of the day, this is the age of deception we are entering.

    Believe nothing you cannot verify for yourself, and investigate it and its context as thoroughly as you can when you do.

  3. I’m trying to figure out how lying to the public like this isn’t a crime. I bet ole Upchuck wouldn’t last 10 minutes in jail before he either A: Soiled his codpiece, B: Mouthed off and got free dental work, or C: Wrecked him? Damn near killed him.

  4. ^^ agree. this is the very definition of propaganda. And someone usually pays for things like that.

    sure he should be fired. Give him a trash bag, tell him to clean out his desk and leave by the back door. He doesn’t deserve a box.

  5. Hugh Hewitt, have you banned this asshole yet? If not, please do so. This is neither the first, nor the worst, of his deceptions, smears and lies. You have think of your own credibility, Hugh. Shun Chinless Chuck.

  6. you can blame chuck all you want

    i wouldn’t hesitate to kick him in the nuts either

    but i think he’s only a teleprompter reader

    he doesn’t edit film or write what he speaks

    he’s just not that smart

    he’s a news actor
    he reads other people words
    and if he won’t read it, the ones who want it read can hire some one else to read it


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