Trump Calls For Judges To Give Us Back Our Right To Protect Ourselves – IOTW Report

Trump Calls For Judges To Give Us Back Our Right To Protect Ourselves

20 Comments on Trump Calls For Judges To Give Us Back Our Right To Protect Ourselves

  1. truthfully …. we need to take back the power The Constitution guarantees the people from the judges

    The Constitution set up the Courts to counter-act Congress & the President … not to attack the States (the People) with Congress & the President

  2. Mr.Illustr8r and I spent a few days in London before and after we were married in Scotland. It’ll b 20 years in September. We’ve always talked about going back some day. We’ve shelved those plans indefinitely.

    No. Never. It is not safe.

  3. I’m slowly coming to Realize, Liberals don’t seem to mind having Their Freedoms Taken Away. As long as they have what they need, to have fun and Feel Free ! Liberals : That feeling of Freedom can go away in a week, Because it’s not going to have a Constitution behind it. It’s just a Feeling then it’s Gone Forever Fools !

  4. Jellybean,
    “Common Sense is not so common anymore. It went out when Regressives and Obama started selecting which laws they would follow and those that held up liberty. It’s coming in Obama’s newest movie, “A Convenient Lie”. Al Gore Producer.

  5. “We need the courts to give us back our rights.”

    Our rights come from God, not the courts.

    Until we’re ready to hang all the judges who rule contrary to our Constitution, we will suffer the indignities of serfdom.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Tim June 4, 2017 at 9:05 am

    What will be different the day after you’re “ready to hang all the judges who rule contrary to” your Constitution, than the day before?

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