Trump Calls Out Kerry – Says His Shadow Dealing Might Be Illegal – IOTW Report

Trump Calls Out Kerry – Says His Shadow Dealing Might Be Illegal

Kerry, and his potential violation of the Logan Act, is on the president’s radar.

19 Comments on Trump Calls Out Kerry – Says His Shadow Dealing Might Be Illegal

  1. Kick in his door, yank his fish-faced wife out of bed and tear up his world.
    Kick in his lawyer’s door and yank his wife out of bed.
    Repeat as necessary with the following:
    Only raid all their Lawyers first and let them twist in the wind for a few days
    Barry emptied Gitmo
    Let’s fill it up again with deep state traitors

  2. Bad_Brad, speaking of his daughter…


    “Dr. Vanessa Kerry’s nonprofit organization, Seed Global Health, was awarded Peace Corps funding before and after her father, John Kerry, became U.S. Secretary of State; was there a conflict of interest?”

    “Status: Unproven”

    Status: Crooked as hell.

  3. Trump needs to clean house. Even if it requires the military. Shit’s out of control. It’s getting pretty bad when the opposition party is using a 2 dollar whore as their mascot. Who admits she not the one paying her attorney. If she’s not, who is? Something needs to be done about the MSM and the libtards. Pull their FCC. Not cool having a propaganda arm of the DNC,

  4. Sessions is a blow hard! A fraud! At best all he does is make nice.

    But – it seems he infact is protecting: Mueller, Rosenstein, Clapper + comes!

  5. Sedition…it is in the Constitution, now become, thanks to Animal Farm, opposition research/marketing/spin…With Hillary, Extortion has become ‘Fund Raising” …The Left uses the Law to crush people, we do not use Law at all unless for defense..The Left has learned many things to gather power and one of them is abuse of Law and another is to change the meaning of words.

  6. @an ol exJarhead May 7, 2018 at 2:23 pm

    > Sessions is a blow hard! A fraud! At best all he does is make nice.

    Sessions is a Party member. Even if “wrongs” must be rightedpropagandized for the proles re-education — one can not burn the villageParty to save the villageParty.


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