Trump Calls Out the “Political Bullsh*t” – IOTW Report

Trump Calls Out the “Political Bullsh*t”

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6 Comments on Trump Calls Out the “Political Bullsh*t”

  1. There are a lot of foul-mouths around this site, so obviously this is music to our ears.

    But if Mitt Romney, once, just once, had to gumption to come out and call bullshit on any of the obvious and odious bullshit that they were running on him, he would be the President of the United States right now.

    But he remained “The Gentleman”, unsullied by using any profane language, and got his ass handed to him by 130 pound Marxist weakling.

    America has enormous problems. Sometimes you have to call bullshit on bullshit.

  2. Mittens didn’t even have the courage to call something what it was, much less use a pejorative.
    Almost like he was ashamed that he was rich and America was Great – unlike Trump.

  3. Trump is doing what Romney could have and should have done and a lot lot more. Thus the amazing polling.

    If Trump doesn’t waffle or backpedal or flip flop he won’t drop in the polls.

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