Trump calls Twitter, Facebook ‘disgrace to our Nation,’ urges Americans to abandon platforms – IOTW Report

Trump calls Twitter, Facebook ‘disgrace to our Nation,’ urges Americans to abandon platforms


Trump’s statement came after freshman GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia was banned permanently form Twitter and given a 24-hour timeout on Facebook.

“Twitter is a disgrace to democracy. They shouldn’t be allowed to do business in this Country,” the former president said. “Marjorie Taylor Greene has a huge constituency of honest, patriotic, hard-working people. They don’t deserve what’s happened to them on places like low-life Twitter and Facebook.

He married his criticism with a call to action.

“Everybody should drop off of Twitter and Facebook. They’re boring, have only a Radical Left point of view, and are hated by everyone,” he added. “They are a disgrace to our Nation. Keep fighting, Marjorie!”

Trump’s new Truth social platform, being led by former congressman Devin Nunes, is set to debut later this year and has promised to be a censorship-free forum.


10 Comments on Trump calls Twitter, Facebook ‘disgrace to our Nation,’ urges Americans to abandon platforms

  1. “Trump calls Twitter, Facebook ‘disgrace to our Nation,’ urges Americans to abandon platforms”

    That sentence got me pissed! Trump, I’m calling you out for your stance on the jab. I have abandoned your platform. I read whatever I choose to read, I don’t need the likes of you telling me what to do. FUCK OFF TRUMP! I know what you are now, you let it slip out turncoat.

  2. One more thing, your kid is on Twitter Trump, what does he have to say about you wanting us to not read what your kid has to say? Is it because your kid gets a lot of grief over things your kid writes? FDT.

    /just asking

  3. I’ve wondered if the entirety of the internet was released from DARPA for the sole purpose of destroying the world with leftist ideology. When I look at ANY big tech corporations that are at the top of the food chain and how they all work together to silence any dissenting voice when they grow in any meaningful numbers, I can’t say my thoughts are inaccurate. Especially considering how invasive they are in private life: They know your location, finances, hobbies, favorites, hates.. hell they know more about you than you do and I bet there’s a social score behind the scenes that’s been assigned to every individual by some algorithm.

    What I’m saying is it’s not just “social media,” it’s the whole damn enchilada. Think of what your ISP can gather on you with no web presence at all, let alone any social media presence, quietly allowing you to carry on without saying a word, as you hand over your monthly payments… and don’t think for a second there’s no “backdoors” that allow governments access anything they want to see on you.

  4. Goldenfoxx,

    You missed the biggest issue in that statement. Self interest. He’s starting his own social media company. Of course he wants us to drop FB & Twitter!

    I don’t have a Twitter account, and I containerize Facebook (do not install the phone app!) such that they get limited amount of information. So not only is he trying to tell you what to do, but he’s scheming to substitute for it, and makes no mention of the massive amount of information harvesting and influence operations he is likely planning on conducting on “his” platform.

    I hate to say it, as I’m no fan of regulation, but… We need stronger privacy laws in this country. If you knew half of what they hoover up via web browsing, location tracking, etc… You’d likely have a stroke. Facebook is even assessing your personality type & interests by showing you pictures/videos and assessing how long you linger on them. You can be friends with your entire family & every person you’ve known since grade school. Linger on a “crafty panda” video too long and they show you more and more of those, and less and less of your friends & family postings. It’s a wedge. They’re literally substituting themselves for your friends and family. Linger on a holster ad, or a tactical scope… They mark you as a gun advocate, etc… , etc… across a WIDE range of topics.

    “Ignore the man behind the curtain!” – The Wizard of Oz


  5. Goldenfoxx,

    You missed the biggest issue in that statement. Self interest. He’s starting his own social media company. Of course he wants us to drop FB & Twitter!

    Yes of course, and I deplatformed him. Everything Trump does is in his self-interest. Trump likes to sue people, yet he wouldn’t allow anyone injured from the jab or death to sue the pharmaceuticals. The Dems are going to blame Trump for everything. His warp speed jabs, encouraging people to get the jab. I honestly believed America would become great again. Instead, Romes past is our future. I was a big supporter of his, glad I took the time to see what all has taken place since the warped speed rollout of this jab. Sickness, death, injury, and all Trump can say is “get the jab.” FDT

  6. Your supreme leader,(no not Kim One-ung-lo) says get vaxed (all 3 jabs!), drop Twitter & Fakebook. Send him money, give him your email, so he can get moe money and that Twitler is now on Gab, Parlor, Gettr & Grabber (by the crouch). His own social media startup, needs moe money.

  7. I’m on Twitter for four reasons:

    1) Because I want to.
    2) To market iOTWr.
    3) Because I want to.
    4) To spread God’s message, especially to those who seem to have a world’s view of who God is.


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