Trump Calls Vince Foster Suicide “Very Fishy” – IOTW Report

Trump Calls Vince Foster Suicide “Very Fishy”

Guardian – In a Washington Post interview, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump indicated that he is tentatively exploring one of the most infamous conspiracy theories about Bill Clinton’s presidency as he readies his general election battle plan against Hillary Clinton. In the interview, Trump called theories that the Clintons were behind the 1993 death of deputy White House counsel Vince Foster “very serious,” calling the circumstances of his suicide “very fishy.” “He had intimate knowledge of what was going on,” Trump said. “He knew everything that was going on and then all of a sudden he committed suicide.”

ht/ all too much

16 Comments on Trump Calls Vince Foster Suicide “Very Fishy”

  1. Trump: “I’ll see your ‘hasn’t released tax reports’ and raise you ‘White Water Investment Group’. Let’s see, that’s ‘Vince Foster’, ‘Cattle Futures’, ‘Arkansas Education and Health care’, and ‘Antique White House Door Knobs’, you owe me so far, right?”

    Clinton: “Yeah.”

    Trump: “That’s what I thought. Just keepin’ count.”

  2. Well it certainly was fishy.

    Trump is a master, he’s got Hillary/Bill not only seething but reeling. She can’t put away Grandpa and Trump is pounding her from a dozen angles.


  3. Millennials love a good conspiracy. I would wager that most of them entertain the notion that 9/11 was an inside job. If they get wind of the actual conspiracy that is Vince Foster’s murder, there’s no telling how bad it would damage Hillary. And again, no other Repub candidate would ever mention Vince Foster.

    And Bernie, you owe Donald. He’s helping you here, in case you didn’t notice.

  4. I remember a few years back that there were over fifty (50) Clinton associates the met a mysterious death….

    Of course Snopes says it’s just “claptrap”……like I believe anything Snopes says.

  5. And some dems I know thought this would be a fun election as they trounced over the buffoon Trump. Hahahah. They really had no clue the mega train that was headed their way…

  6. To quote my brilliant, except politically, (in my opinion) sister, ‘I just love Hillary!’ Why? She ‘just does’.

    My sis is not a cult robot, far from it. She is an amazingly loving, generous, kind, empathetic, talented, intelligent, ambitious self-surviving woman. She has had horrible setbacks in life and pulled herself out of hell, several times. That just adds to the complete mystery of why Hillary? I just don’t understand.

    She calls Trump a clown and can’t believe anyone would vote for him. Well, sis, take a look at the numbers.

    People are sick and tired of being jerked around by political hacks. Government has gotten so bad that the people are making a break for freedom and Trump is leading the way. If he is elected, and screws up, how easy it should be to impeach him, because he isn’t a member of any minority and he is hated by a good number of congress, who in the immediate future just may have to eat crow, but would not hesitate to impeach.

    I hope congress is cleaned up during elections, by voters calling terms limited on the cobwebbed residents.

  7. Let me pose a simple question:

    Who commits suicide on the day your daughter is flying in to Washington DC to have lunch with you and, afterwards, you plan to take her on a grand tour of the White House?


    Who tells the Foster family, when they question the suicide ruling, “Any further investigation will not bring Vince back.”

    Three guesses.


    “What difference at this point does it make?”


  8. Hey, F.D.R. in Hell…

    “Vince Foster Lives!”
    Matt Drudge’s noon headline indicates the need for a bed-check down there.

    Is Vince present and accounted for?

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