Trump Campaign Airs Ad In Pennsylvania Exposing Biden’s Energy Industry Lies – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Airs Ad In Pennsylvania Exposing Biden’s Energy Industry Lies


The Trump campaign released a new ad Friday, set to air in Pennsylvania, exposing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s plans to ban fracking and destroy the energy industry.

The ad features Jen, a fracking technician, who warns that if Biden is elected he will terminate her job and thousands of others in Pennsylvania, which she describes as “a fossil fuel state.” more

4 Comments on Trump Campaign Airs Ad In Pennsylvania Exposing Biden’s Energy Industry Lies

  1. Add it to the list, along with the dismissed-by-the-liberal-media Biden Crime Family story.

    If you go into the details about the China/Biden connection, it’s terrifying. Here is a man who should be imprisoned and eventually executed, but running for president as the left’s choice to lead the country.

    Trump is right: If Biden were to win (and I say no way, this will be a Trump landslide), China would own him because they have so much dirt on the Bidens.


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