Trump Campaign Buys Ads On Washington Post Home Page – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Buys Ads On Washington Post Home Page

Fast Company

The digital home of the Washington Post, that venerated beacon of American journalism, is currently an exercise in cognitive dissonance.

Visit the paper’s website currently to witness a configuration of words and images that all cancel each other out. At the top, the paper’s famously goth-tinged slogan for the Trump era, “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” flanked by tiny ads for Trump’s reelection. Just beneath the masthead, a larger version of the ad, stretching across the entire page, reads, ” THE RADICAL LEFTIST TAKEOVER OF JOE BIDEN IS COMPLETE,” in all caps like one of the president’s inflammatory tweets. And finally, beneath this invective, the headline, “Harris accepts historic VP nomination: ‘We will speak truths’“. More

Tim Pool reviews the lefts dissatisfaction with The Washington Post selling ad space to the Trump Campaign Here

5 Comments on Trump Campaign Buys Ads On Washington Post Home Page

  1. Among the comments/tweets: Whatever amount of money you were paid was nowhere near worth the compromise to your integrity.
    As if there were any integrity left to compromise.


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