Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit Against New York Times – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit Against New York Times

NYT’s Response? “Nuh Uhhhh!”

Daily Wire: On Wednesday President Donald Trump’s campaign filed a defamation lawsuit against The New York Times for having “knowingly published false and defamatory statements” claiming the campaign had an “overarching deal” with “Vladimir Putin’s oligarchy” to “help in the campaign against Hillary Clinton” in exchange for “a new pro-Russian foreign policy, starting with relief from the Obama administration’s burdensome economic sanctions.”

The lawsuit was filed in New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan on Wednesday by Charles J. Harder, an attorney for the Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. The complaint alleges that the Times published a defamatory opinion piece by former Times executive editor Max Frankel, titled “The Real Trump-Russia Quid Pro Quo” (published March 27, 2019), that contains allegations Times’ editors knew to be false but were published with a “malicious motive” evidenced by the Times’ history of “extremely biased” portrayals of Trump and his campaign. The Trump campaign alleges “millions” of dollars in damages.

The lawsuit presents multiple problematic quotes and claims from the article, and particularly highlights this passage: “There was no need for detailed electoral collusion between the Trump campaign and Vladimir Putin’s oligarchy because they had an overarching deal: the quid of help in the campaign against Hillary Clinton for the quo of a new pro-Russian foreign policy, starting with relief from the Obama administration’s burdensome economic sanctions. The Trumpites knew about the quid and held out the prospect of the quo.”

“The Defamatory Article does not allege or refer to any proof of its claims of a ‘quid pro quo’ or ‘deal’ between the Campaign and Russia,” the complaint states. “Rather, the Defamatory Article selectively refers to previously-reported contacts between a Russian lawyer and persons connected with the Campaign. The Defamatory Article, however, insinuates that these contacts must have resulted in a quid pro quo or a deal, and the Defamatory Article does not acknowledge that, in fact, there had been extensive reporting, including in The Times, that the meetings and contacts that the Defamatory Article refers to did not result in any quid pro quo or deal between the Campaign and Russia, or anyone connected with either of them.”

“The Times’ story is false,” the lawsuit underscores. As proof of its “falsity,” Harder points to the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. read more

SNIP: That can be an interesting way to get the NYT to rat on the shitty FBI/CIA agents’ deeds. If the DOJ won’t do it, Team Trump will.

6 Comments on Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit Against New York Times

  1. “That can be an interesting way to get the NYT to rat on the shitty FBI/CIA agents’ deeds. If the DOJ won’t do it, Team Trump will.”

    Discovery is a bitch.

    Trump is facing the reality that the DOJ is never going to deliver justice, so he’s going to get it himself. Like everybody else who got f—ked by the deep state. Go back to sleep, Barr.

  2. During his presser this evening, some azzwipe reporter asked Trump about the lawsuit, would he sue anybody who had an opinion that disagreed with his. Talk about major league projecting there.

  3. “the quid of help in the campaign against hillary clinton for the quo of a new pro-Russian foreign policy”

    can’t get any more pro russia than selling them our uranium or the nyt’s reporting on russia’s “famine deaths”


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