Trump Campaign Rallies Moved Indoors – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Rallies Moved Indoors

Washington Examiner

Former President Donald Trump has agreed to stop holding outdoor rallies as part of his presidential campaign. The decision comes almost two weeks after Trump was nearly killed during an assassination attempt on July 13 at an outdoor rally this month in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Two sources familiar with the operations of Trump’s campaign acknowledged the former president’s plan to shift to indoor venues, NBC News reported. Trump has repeatedly held rallies at outdoor venues that hosted thousands of attendees at outdoor venues. Security concerns, however, have necessitated the move to indoors. More

14 Comments on Trump Campaign Rallies Moved Indoors

  1. Trump better catch a clue and fire the very same agencies that are trying to put a bullet in him. There’s a shit load of very capable ex specops guys that are eager to fill that role. The Shadow Government pussies are not done, they will try again.

  2. TPTB would love to see President Trump’s rallies gone altogether.
    The SS thought inadequate protection would help to let it happen on purpose (LIHOP).
    When they couldn’t wait any longer, they tried to make it happen on purpose )MIHOP).

  3. President Trump should not fall for this. It limits his exposure (to people), limits the number of people who can see and hear him, and confines him to a pre-determined target area.
    It also stinks of being a defensive strategy and President Trump should always be on the offensive.

    Just my take – I’m sure President Trump doesn’t need my advice – but he’d do better with more capable security people than confining himself.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Trump has repeatedly held rallies at outdoor venues that hosted thousands of attendees at outdoor venues.” WTF penned that??

  5. Notice how the big indoor facilities are mostly in big cities, and Trump’s rallies were mostly out in the open spaces of the hinterlands, away from all the urban bullshit? I get the feeling we’re being corralled and minimized. Don’t give in to the veiled threats, PDT. You’ll be no safer, and so will your crowds. We’ve seen the city cops turn a blind eye before.

  6. Anonymous, about Wray’s doubt, I can only quote our former Secretary of State:

    “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

    Wray is a shit-heel, deep state tool, and he cannot help but make crass, legalistic statements, regardless of how robotically evil they make him sound. Once again, there’s a coverup going on, and he’s at the center of it. He’s in his element, so you must excuse him if he can’t see the forest for the trees.


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