Trump Campaign Releases Biden Highlights From Debate – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Releases Biden Highlights From Debate

32 Comments on Trump Campaign Releases Biden Highlights From Debate

  1. I believe Joe Biden’s long and corrupt career ended last night. If his family cared as much for him as they do the money and power they enjoy wallowing in they’d have retired him before now. The media couldn’t cover for him last night.

  2. How could ANY political party do this to America?

    Huh? Huh?

    Fire the Democrat Party NOW!

    (This needs to be played up incessantly until election day!)

  3. Most important thing to keep in mind is that without the Republican establishment part in this shit show there would have been no election theft in 2020. Joe Biden is not the responsibility of the Democrats alone, he was selected by The Party and was installed by The Party to protect THEIR interests. Trump threatened THEIR interests. Make them own it. This was a team effort and to leave the Republican establishment out of it is to enable and be complicit in perpetuating it. It took the combined effort of Democrats, The Republican establishment, entertainment industry, the media and big tech to pull this off. All must be tied to this Goddamn four year fiasco, exposed and held responsible for their part in it.

  4. ^ So true. The only problem is the American people don’t yet connect both parties together as the Uniparty with the Republicans enabling the Communist Democrats to protect their corporate interests. We need to work on that!

  5. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The Complicit, Bought & PPaidd For, Knee-Pad Media had benn running cover for this dirty, old crooked, perverted Asshole all along and they knew full well what he is and alway was as has the entire goose-stepping democRAT party and today they act all shocked and surprised at what America and world saw last night! That right there should tell any American what they are all about. Jackass Joe isn’t in control of anything… and never was! THEY ARE! If that doesn’t register in people’s brains by now they are forever lost. The democRAT party is going to put up another cardboard cut-out shill to run for President and the Knee-Pad Media is going to gush all over him/her like they’re the next coming of whatever. For exammple, euphamistically speaking, yesterday KJP said Joe accomplishes more in one hour than most people do in a day! Tomorrow she will be a buried unmentionable! The point is it is NOT the Candidate, it’s the powers behind the facade!
    Trump is his own man. A vote for Trump is just that: A vote for a real man, not some cardboard cut-out!

  6. It was sad, bad, definitely not rad…. Remember, if you will, the extent to which the deep state and democrats went to install this poor demented husk in the White House. That by itself should be cause enough to NEVER vote for one of them again, just on principle.

  7. CNN: “The president didn’t punch back on Trump’s lies.”


    The only question is who will the dems nominate now? George Clooney? Hahaha

  8. After last night, I half expected to wake up to hear that China had invaded Taiwan, and Russia had nuked Kiev. If the situation wasn’t so dangerous it would be pure comedy.

  9. Tony R – Well NOW they surely KNOW we do NOT have a President!
    Yes, of course they’ve known that, but now it’s official and that gives them license to do whatever they want!

  10. The Deep State is in a total panic. Information on their activism is being gathered and they don’t want it exposed. Nothing more needed to know regarding who they fear. They fear you and other Americans knowing who they serve.

  11. HisPaul Ryan is the point man for the Republican establishment. It’s been obvious to me. Pay attention the next couple weeks and it will be unmistakable to anyone. Trump needs to make it clear that nobody with any relationship with him is to be in any position in his Administration whatsoever. It has to be that way or he will rat fuck this Presidency like he did the last Trump Administration.

  12. JDHasty, that is all true, and the GOPer wing of the Uniparty will be doing their damnedest to legitimize and normalize the result of this unprecedented, cynical scheme which will foist a new Trump opponent on American voters. There is nothing too ridiculous and fraudulent in this world which the Uniparty will not try to force down our throats to keep their power.

  13. at this point, i think trump needs to come out and refuse any follow-up debates and play the video. trump should make it very clear biden is far from competent, any further contrary interaction could jeopardize biden health further. refusing to debate him further is a civil response from a man who sees the condition of his opponent. the biden handlers should be prosecuted for elder abuse. if a common man abused his gramps this way, authorities would be notified. it is telling what the handlers are doing behind closed doors to our country. its game over. be civil, lead the way by example and refuse to kick your opponent when he is down. its a good message to the kids. focus on the prosecution of the biden handlers and demand enforcement of the law in our two tier justice system. any further debates will make trump look complicit in the abuse, which may be the next communist play.

  14. I’d be more than happy to assist the WH communications staff in putting together the response from the WH Spox Karine Jean-Pierre

    First off it should be coordinated with a Pride Month Drag Queen Story Time and grooming event.

    Here’s the opening line:
    “I am particularly glad that these lovely children are here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed the courage little seen in this day and age.”

  15. JDHasty, the creep state does not serve the interests of the American people. The only interest that they’re serving is holding onto their power over us and forcing us into submission or else. But what else would you expect from these evil tyrannical bastards.

  16. There will be no more debates this campaign season. Not with anyone, least of all Biden. It has been determined that debates do not help anyone but PDT, no matter how they are rigged. There will be a grim, soviet march of succession, with back room deals, and media grooming to sell the fraud.

    Further debates with whichever tool pops up in August will only remind voters of last night’s disaster and give PDT a change to point out blemishes on New Coke which TPTB would rather keep hidden. So enjoy the schadenfreud, because they’re going to try and make us pay dearly for being right and enjoying it.

  17. that was him in the best form they could get him
    and he gets to sit at a desk with a big button and a red telephone on it
    he isn’t running our country- who is?

  18. @ geoff the aardvark FRIDAY, 28 JUNE 2024, 8:54 AT 8:54 AM

    “Joey just showed everybody just how incompetent that he is last night.”

    Handicap 6 has been showing everyone how incompetent he is since at least 1988. Even Obama noticed 15 years ago. “Everything Joe touches, he fucks up.” Not an exact quote but close enough. It’s a sad commentary on the electorate that it took the shitshow last night to wake some of them up but even now he has his supporters. Maybe a lot fewer than 24 hours ago but they’re still there, just like there are still a few people protecting themselves from covid by wearing a useless mask.

  19. Trump Campaign Releases Biden Lowlights From Debate

    Maybe I missed something but Handicap 6 didn’t seem to have many highlights. Maybe the only thing he’s ever done that has impressed me is falling up the stairs of Air Force One.

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