Trump can change history by declassifying 3 Obama-era documents – IOTW Report

Trump can change history by declassifying 3 Obama-era documents

The Hill:

My sources tell me President Trump is putting the finishing touches on a White House initiative to declassify documents that have remained hidden from the public for far too long.

This welcome effort to provide more public transparency and accountability almost certainly will focus early on the failings of the now-debunked Russia collusion probe. And I’m sure it will spread quickly toward other high-profile issues, such as the government’s UFO files that have been a focus of clamoring for decades.

But my reporting indicates three sets of documents from the Obama years should be declassified immediately, too, because they will fundamentally change the public’s understanding of history and identify ways to improve governance.

The first includes the national security assessments that the U.S. intelligence community conducted under President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton concerning the Russia nuclear giant Rosatom’s effort to acquire uranium business in the United States.

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) — made up of Secretary Clinton and eight other senior federal officials — approved Rosatom’s purchase of mining company Uranium One’s U.S. assets in fall 2010, even as the FBI was gathering evidence that the Russian company’s American arm was engaged in bribery, kickbacks and extortion.

Sources who have seen these classified assessments tell me they debunk the last administration’s storyline that there were no national security reasons to oppose Rosatom’s Uranium One purchase or Vladimir Putin’s successful efforts to secure billions of dollars in new nuclear fuel contracts with American utilities during the Obama years. 

“There were red flags raised, and the assessments expose other weaknesses in how CFIUS goes about these approval processes,” one knowledgeable source told me.

Under Obama, sensitive foreign acquisitions almost routinely were rubber-stamped by the CFIUS, and the approval process sometimes was delegated by Cabinet officials on the CFIUS to lower-ranking aides. 

Clinton, for example, claims she allowed a deputy to decide the Uranium One purchase, even as her family foundation collected millions in donations from parties interested in the transaction and her husband, former President Bill Clintoncollected a $500,000 speech fee from Moscow.

Since Trump took office and Steve Mnuchin took over as Treasury secretary, laudable legislative and administrative changes have been designed to tighten up the CFIUS process, and the percentage of rejected foreign acquisitions has increased because of more aggressive national security vetting. more here

20 Comments on Trump can change history by declassifying 3 Obama-era documents

  1. Just the one time $500,000 “donation” (and only God knows how much more) should be enough to cause a 24/7 Red Flag for these traitors!!
    Whut do we hear from the so-called MSM?
    That right there should tell people there’s big problem!

  2. He is starting to lose me. I am very tired of the stupid
    games and endless legal wrangling by dirty lawyers
    slimey bureaucrats and politicized judges.
    Once the Mueller report came in he should have come
    down on them like a avalanche, not a drizzle of BS.
    You better light some hot fires under the right butts
    Mr. President. You are running out of time.

  3. I’m drifting toward the pessimist side of things. It’s not my nature, but I don’t see anything but the swamp sucking up everything that is right. DOJ, OIG, FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, KISSMYASS!!

  4. And Trump, I’m on his team. But I don’t see him doing anything other than some tweets. Of course I love his America First trade and foreign policy agenda but he MUST win in 2020 or it’s all meaningless. If he doesn’t bury these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS he is fucked and we are fucked! Does the swamp have something on him so he is just pretending to take down the swamp? Where is his DOJ? Maybe there isn’t a single federal law enforcement officer that believes in the rule of law. I’ll tell you what, Comey walking has me disgusted.

  5. ^ Comey walking has me furious tonight, joe6pak. I was going to bring it up but decided to see what the bloggers here were going to do with the story. It’s a tough one to swallow.

  6. Jimmy, this causes me to believe that the existing DOJ should be dissolved. How do you do that? Start writing pink slips. Who do you hire? I would start with the military.

  7. I don’t know, joe6pak. Trump’s base (us!) wants him to actually start draining the Swamp by starting with the criminals in it (or who were in the Swamp under Obama/Clinton) and decisively prosecute them. This is not a ‘political thing’ as many on the web claim. And it should not be subject to electioneering timelines and strategizing, as some here think he’s doing. Rather, it’s his JOB as the chief law enforcement officer of the land to execute these matters in a timely fashion.

    If he’s not going to get it done, he could lose the 2020 election to a moron (take your pick) because the base is pissed off and sits it out. At which point I buy a 40′ ketch and go sailing. Either that or 100 acres in Montana or Wyoming. (Both being not bad ideas anyway!)

  8. Jimmy, if he is not going to get it done he WILL LOSE the 2020 election. And he will lose it to whatever moron is on the other side of the ticket. I believe there are many millions of us that will simply not participate if it becomes apparent that Trump will not be able to make any progress against the swamp. What is the point, nothing really changes.

  9. Yeah, that’s the scary thing, Joe. Plus, if he loses, he can’t make the long-term appointment changes to bring the right people back into government, nor pursue the legislative changes which would actually begin the Swamp draining, i.e., reducing and de-bureacratizing this damn government of ours. On top of all of this, is the looming mid-2020’s funding/spending meltdown of the Federal system. Yeah, let’s kick that off early by electing Sanders or that Pocanoselunger bitch (who is the only one gaining’ traction’ right now.)

  10. Oh, and Joe, I’m waiting for multiple ‘Anonymouses’ to swoop in here and (a) claim we’re the problem; or (b) we have little faith in our President; or (c) timing is everything so we have to wait for the maximum political effect ‘real soon now.’

    I’m sick of it. Bloody ‘Anonymouses’ – do everyone a favor and pick a “handle” and stick with it.


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