Cruz finds bipartisan agreement with the left, #BLM, LaRaza and MoveOn – Trump is the guy creating the violent atmosphere.
Next up – Trump made Muslims blow sh!t up.
If only Trump never said anything about punching back the protesters that were showing up at his rallies they would never have shown up at his rallies… or something.
When Ben Shapiro is violently shouted off of campuses, when David Horowitz events devolve into shoutfest melees, when conservatives are “pied” and worse, it’s because of, obviously, Trump.
When #BLM shows up at Bernie rallies and takes over the podium and grabs the mic and is told to sit down and STFU and listen, it’s because Bernie once said something about punching protesters.
Cruz taking this opportunistic cheap shot is as wormy as anything I’ve ever seen even Chuck Schumer do.
This is a Cruz campaign low point. I’m actually pretty pissed off by this.
I am starting to not recognize “my people.”
I know it’s politics, but c’mon. What is Cruz doing here? He’s inviting this to happen at every Trump rally going forward because he’s signaled to the left that they have the imprimatur of Cruz and his supporters.
So, in effect, Cruz is creating a climate every bit as the one he’s supposedly condemning. He’s telling the left – “go gettem, tigers. Trump built this.”
Wada fing loser. No free speech for Trump or Trump supporters. There’s every possibility this guy would be more repressive than ,Obama.
Kasich ” Division sown by Trump is ugly”
Rubio “He bears responsibility for … the general tone and atmosphere of his campaign, which has been about things like the reason why things are going wrong in your life or in this country is because of this group of people versus that group of people”
The division starts with Obama and his minions.
What a bunch of sleazy politicians we have on our side.
I hope Trump wins by a landslide.
If only Trump never said anything about punching back the protesters that were showing up at his rallies they would have never shown up at his rallies… or something.
When Ben Shapiro is violently shouted off of campuses, when David Horowitz events devolve into shoutfest melees, when conservatives are “pied” and worse, it’s because of, obviously, Trump.
When #BLM shows up at Bernie rallies and takes over the podium and grabs the mic and is told to sit down and STFU and listen, it’s because Bernie once said something about punching protesters.
Cruz taking this opportunistic cheap shot is as wormy as anything I’ve ever seen Chuck Schumer do.
This is a Cruz campaign low-point. I’m actually pretty pissed off by this.
I am starting to not recognize “my people.”
“…the Chicago riots were planned over a week ago. We know that this rent a mob is liberal terrorist like Wall Street Occupiers. We know that Kasich, Cruz and Rubio were both with CNN setting this up in the Thursday debate about “violence” at Trump rallies……and you do remember this was followed by a media Mockingbird blitz of a skirt, Michelle Fields, from Breitbart, who tried to grab Donald Trump and was secured……..yes the same Breitbart owned by Robert Mercer of vote fraud programs who owns Ted Cruz………and black lives matters appearing in a chosen black female thug initiating a brawl with an elderly white male……….and how this all comes now full circle in Rahm Emanuel offering up the Chicago Police to be bloodied by the rent a mob and Donald Trump gets blamed for it…… if it were all by design, which it was, as this was a GOPliter coordinated effort with the Hillary Clinton campaign.
I warned all of you that Ted Cruz might just endorse Hillary Clinton, and you know from confessions that Rubio, Kasich and the entire GOP elite are going to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Did you happen to miss that just before this Chicago staged violence that over 50 private jets flew into a meeting to coordinate how to politically assassinate Donald Trump?
All of the above is evidence that there was coordination in the Clinton campaign with the GOPliters to spill blood in Chicago, and all of you have been conditioned for days in these stories. The proof is there, and the proof is that Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and John Kasich are conspirators in this, delivering scripted propaganda, and like these 50 private jets of billionaires must be made record of, to be indicted by Chris Christie as Attorney General, as this is organized criminal assault which is sedition.
These are hanging offenses, but at least you are now aware in this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter that John Kasich, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, HAD FORE KNOWLEDGE of the terrorism aimed at Chicago, Donald Trump and Americans, in being part of this heinous plot.”
Friday, March 11, 2016
Chicago GOPliters
I thought this an interesting take on the whole thing.
Yea, but Trump supporters are good to go. I didn’t see a lot of conservatives standing around getting sucker punched. In fact they showed more restraint than I could have. Trump will gain voted because of this.
Hey maybe this was a Trump strategy, to rile up his followers and to show off the leftists for votes. Yeah that’s it. Trump is sooo smart.
You might be right Woody. Trumps one hell of a lot smarter than anybody else running.
After Trumps elected I surely hope The Scoop fades into the sunset. They’ve taken childish to a new level.
Woody, you are hopelessly in love with Cruz. I’m guessing you donated pretty big to his campaign. I obviously could be wrong, I’ll never know for sure.
One Yuge strategy when running for office is the first guy for the opening job who extracts money from an individual, has solidified that individual as a voter. Most people unfortunately, even as a campaign unfolds, do not reassess their initial commitment because it would prove to them that they got suckered. Few people will admit to themselves that they got suckered.
TC started begging for $$ before anyone else did. I thought it strange that he started so soon and I did not contribute. I’m still getting my spam folder filled daily with TC extortion emails and I don’t know how I even was put on his list.
This media extravaganza and GOP/Establishment pile on will cause a steep rise in the Ditch & Switch crowd, to say the least of galvanizing Trump supporters and Trump leaners into a rock hard wall of complete indifference to the media spectacle and determination to win in November!
If there’s one thing America-loving voters hate worse than the current government, it’s all the anti-American, neo-Marxist hate groups trying to turn this country into a third world hell hole.
This ridiculous carnival mob in Chicago is timed perfectly — right before the Florida, Ohio, N. Carolina primaries and it will not be forgot by the time Cruz’s new BFF’s, the GOPe, have already spent all that Bush cash on anti-Trump ads in the primaries coming after that. Trump will win the nomination in a shattering landslide.
Thank you to all involved. And it didn’t cost us a cent!
As a Cruz fan I have to say I am getting very tired of him letting me down with this bullshit rhetoric.
It won’t help.
You lie down with dogs…
Glenn Beck and his soccer ball write that for you TedDY Bear?
Just read another comment at CTH:
“A whole bunch of posters at FR are saying they’re dumping Cruz. The great self-proclamed “Defender Of The Constitution” instead of defending the Bill of Rights used his chance to protect his own ambition and trash an opponent.
The mask is off for all to see…Cruz is a fraud…he is Uniparty.
Night, night and God bless all of you and yours.
Bad Brad…..why do you screw with Woody?
I could say more, but on thr road without keyboard.
I will shoot 250. 45ACP at the range when I Get home for your comment last night.
Trump brought reality to America!
After beating my head against a brick wall of Cruz support in my own circle of influence for the past few months, I’ve learned to shut up and let the man bury himself. It’s working.
Ya think this might have been planned at that meeting with Yeb!, Cruz, Rubio and Kasich last week??
Was it ok when Obama told people to get up in faces and to punch back twice as hard?
If you say that was ok…if you say it was just Obama’s free speech…then you’re being consistent if you say this was ok. I’ll disagree with you, but I’ll respect your consistency.
If your response contains any variant of “Well, that was different because….” then you are being very inconsistent, childishly so.
I was seriously considering voting Cruz on Tuesday. Not now. Fuck Cruz. Hearing him throw blame on Trump for the actions of the BLM/ Move On/ Ayers riot bunch is reprehensible.
It’s high time for LEO to start cracking leftist skulls circa Chicago 1968.
It’s higher time for conservatives to recognize cogs in the machine and abandon them immediately.
Violence is the meme this week. Next week it’ll be sex issues. Mark my words.
He referred to disrespecting voters, so, Mitt Romney and GOPe are responsible.
Damn, Ted, you are making it very difficult for me to continue my support.
If this is what it’s like in the Primaries, we Ohioans just can’t WAIT for Cleveland to start burning in July. It’s gonna get ugly.
That’s just Ted’s inner Canadian leaking out.
This is a sincere question that I hope gets some thoughtful answers: are the polls that show Hill vs Trump rigged? What I’m being told (but don’t necessarily believe) is that Trump loses to Hill.
Ted I used to like you, but now GO FUCK YOURSELF! 😡
“Are the polls that show Hill vs Trump rigged? What I’m being told (but don’t necessarily believe) is that Trump loses to Hill.”
I’m always willing to be wrong but I’m convinced that will be the case regardless of what any poll says.
The same people who own own the Republican establishment. That’s what Trump has been saying and now Cruz is proving it.
Cruz I almost fell for you.
But getting in bed with the BLM anarchists to deny another candidate his Constitutional right to free speech is the final nail in your coffin.
You are dead to me.
Maybe here is what we can look forward to in Cleveland.
“Are the polls that show Hill vs Trump rigged? What I’m being told (but don’t necessarily believe) is that Trump loses to Hill.”
Yea, and Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter were soooo close in the polls, too close to count. From Time Magazine.
They kinda fucked up the the polls in Michigan for Hillary as well. I guess if I polled 20 dog owners and no cat owners my poll might tend to favor the dogs. ERB, you have a valid question and I for one do not trust the polls.
I also have been on the fence about Cruz and Trump, I could easily have supported either. I have lost a lot of faith in Cruz now, he is acting like another politician looking our for himself.
I just lost a whole lot of respect for Cruz
“Conservative” site RedState urged the anti-Trump rioters to bring guns and use them last night. My Twitter feed was filled with rabid TDSers saying “Trump supporters are garbage” and “Trump supporters, this is YOUR FAULT”. The cult of #NeverTrump are insane assholes. Any doubts I may have had about supporting Donald and any possibility of me changing my mind to maybe support another candidate have been effectively nuked by hostile jackasses ON THE RIGHT who have gotten into bed with commie pinko rat bastard douche bags to express their hatred of me and people like me who happen to think Donald Trump is not the devil. Fuck them and the braying donkeys they rode in on.
“This is a Cruz campaign low-point. I’m actually pretty pissed off by this.”
I’m pissed off at other things Cruz has said. Cruz was a second option for me, but not any more. I decided I hate the guy.
If BLM only realized Trump is more like them than they realize, sleazy and Criminal’s
Industrial strength dumb move by Cruz.
He just sealed his fate.
I’m guessing some ‘adviser’ from the GOPe convinced him that this would give him some advantage over Trump and ingratiate himself with the general election profile voter.
If he did it reflexively just to score some quick and easy political points against Trump ,it’s even more stupid.
I don’t believe the polls showing Hillary beating Trump. Dems are leaving their party in droves to vote Trump, he has more Hispanic and black support than Romney ever dreamed of, the voter turn out among Republicans is crazy huge, and Hillary is going down in flames over her criminal and treasonous actions. There is NO WAY Hillary beats Trump.
It was dumb of Cruz to go there, even though it rings true.
This was organized and financed by Trump’s old friend George Soros. George has helped Trump several times in the past, he is helping again now.
For those of you who do not monitor the opposition, here is what the “ditch and switch” campaign is all about.
Trump is not the problem, barry is and his radical friend lil Billy Ayres who was at those protests against Trump. Good grief’ it’s beginning to look like a repeat of 1968 when the Silent Majority elected Nixon as the law and order candidate because of all the chaos and confusion caused by the rise of the New Left. I am not a Trump supporter. I think would that Trump govern a lot like Nixon did. He’d be at the best a placeholder till the American people wake up and fully realize the damage and destruction the democraps have brought on America over the past 50 years since LBJ. i prefer Ted Cruz but I would vote for Trump in order to keep Hillary from further destroying the country after barry is gone. And maybe with the passing of the baby boomers (over the next 20-30 years) of which I am one the country will finally heal over the wounds from Vietnam and the sexual revolution and everything bad that came out of the 60’s and 70’s. I pray that it would be so for my grand children’s sake, otherwise they may never have a chance to experience true freedom like we did before the ripping apart of America over that lousy damned war in Vietnam and the social revolution that came out of that.
You can tell a lot about a man by his enemies.
Cruz is exactly EXACTLY as I thought. An insider. A pretender, a charlatan, a deceiver, a lying LAWYER/POLITICIAN. He is no different than any other GOP politician. If you cant see that by now, you have serious vision problems.
Cruz jumped in w/ Robio, Kasich & the establishment …. not a good move
it’s now Trump against the establishment
…btw, all the polls have Comrade Bernie winning against any republican candidate ….. believe that?
So Obama stirs up the hate in the blacks and Trump stirs up the hate in whites and Cruz gets the blame. What world do Trump supporters live in. And so much for the tough ‘Alpha Male’ Trump he was scared off by protesters.
This was probably planned weeks in advance during the big meeting all those CEOs and establishment weenies had a week or so ago. I feel this is the tip of the iceberg. Chaos is the easiest weapon the left has in their arsenal and there are thousands of useful idiots to carryout the wishes of the ‘board of directors’.
Citing Huffpoo?
I’ll never read another one of your posts. Go away. DailyKos will welcome you.
So the focus is now fully on Cruz and anyone else who questioned Trump’s methods for holding a rally in a known hotbed of opposition to himself.
Great… And somehow just because I raised the question that Trump himself commented on regarding this being a good thing for him because it might bring him more votes, now the question is if I contributed to Cruz and when will the link for the video of the Trump comment will fade into the sunset. Great.
Just curious, but does Trump bear any responsibility at all for what happened, any, even a little?
If you are a Trump follower like Brad I know the answer, but for thinking people I wonder.
Who is supposed to provide security at these Trump events? I know that when I have been involved in events where large crowds were expected, security arrangements were required.
Does Trump bear any responsibility for the lack of security? For the danger to his followers and their families he put them in for the lack of security at his event?
Flip; Fine, if you desire to remain ignorant of the tactics the opposition is using, well, I hope you find the bliss you crave.
Huff, KOS, and Moveon are very open about what they are doing and why. It is all but impossible to follow the money in todays politics without perusing those cesspools.
So said Marco, and said Kasich.
Do you have video of them saying that, too?
Why isn’t it front and center?
Both Marco and Cruz said it was because of how Trump was blustering about how he wants to punch protestor’s lights out, etc.
Hey, I’m not saying trump invited BLM and Occutards to do what they did, but
1. Trump did make fun of Hill and Bernard when they had to kick BLM out or cancel their shows.
2. He was talking massive trash while he was himself kicking protestors out of his own show.
That’s why it’s now used against him.
So yeah, the other candidates jumped on this, just as Trump would have and will do again in the future.
Why are you mad?
It’s just politics. Don’t take it personal.
Obviously, Ben Carson is so over Trump calling him a
Pedophile, a lunatic, a wanna be killer.
If Ben can get over Trump trashing him, you need to get over this.
Please, convince me trump wouldn’t have jumped all over another republican candidate and do the SAME THING.
You know damn well he would.
Spare me the drama.
So Trump, the man who is tough and will “get things done” can’t even protect his followers at his own rally.
He failed to select a venue at which he could ensure an orderly and secure event. He failed to plan ahead for possible chaos or protestors even though he has them at each and every one of his events. He taunts the protestors and tells folks how much he wants to hurt them and event taunts his followers to hurt them for him.
All of this, but the only really concern and problem expressed here is that Cruz said something that offends the sensibilities of Trump followers about Trump at least having some responsibility for the problems he now faces after this rally.
Really, this is truly amazing. I didn’t think the conversion to cult following would happen so fast, but alas it has and now for those taking issue, please bring on the insults and inanity about how I am a Cruz devotee and how I am “in the tank” for Cruz. Just anything to deflect looking at the facts.
P.S. oh and before someone starts the whole “well Trump wasn’t even there” crap and how could he stop all of this? Either he is soooo smart and sooo far above the rest of us like you would have us believe or he is a lamebrain. You can’t have it both ways. Either he is a man who is the smartest one in the room and can “get things done” or he is selling “snake oil” and has none of the capabilities everyone wants to believe in him. If he can’t even secure his own rally why should anyone believe he can build a wall? Even one around his own sandbox…..
QUOTE -charliewalksonwater
March 12, 2016 at 10:51 am
You can tell a lot about a man by his enemies.
Cruz is exactly EXACTLY as I thought. An insider. A pretender, a charlatan, a deceiver, a lying LAWYER/POLITICIAN. He is no different than any other GOP politician. If you cant see that by now, you have serious vision problems. – QUOTE
Was thinking the exact same thing about the Trump supporters.
Woody; security was provided. The police informed Trump that they had enough manpower and resources to keep the situation under control.
TRUMP decided to ignore that and not go on stage. He initially tried to claim otherwise then later tossed out weasel words when the news media produced the truth.
This was organized and funded by his friend Soros weeks in advance. There is some evidence that the planning started before anyone knew (nudge nudge wink wink) that the venue was happening or when.
This is about social order construct, and who is pro-liberty and who is about orchestrating who has a voice and who will be told when to shut up.

The right *should* be advocating that everyone have a voice. Does “don’t tread on me” ring a bell?
The left advocates that the playing field should be tilted in favor of a select few, and the voices of the others be constrained, marginalized and demonized. Our battle every day is one made on defensive footing, having to prove that are fight for a voice does not make our fighters for liberty “brownshirts, racists, thugs, white supremacists…”
The right tolerates the ideas of the left much more than the left tolerates the right. It’s why the country lurches leftward every day.
This cycle was to be about taking a stand, saying, “ENOUGH.” That’s what Trump means by idiotic “political correctness.”
Cruz just threw in with the left in order to score some quick votes. But the smartest guy in the room failed to understand that there was no market for what he was selling.
Any Cruz/Trump fence sitter just got a whiff of Cruz, and it’s a stench that won’t leave the room any time soon.
In a year of #BLM thuggery (and this is not the only marginalized group, it’s the year of the marginalized group), where we rolled our eyes at the left as they pandered to these assholes that would have us believe that in 2016 there is Jim Crow, and minorities cannot be successful because of whitey, and reparations are in order, whiteness is a disease that needs to be eradicated, we have unbridled privilege and the biggest danger on earth for a minority youth is a white cop, Cruz just said that these grievances, no matter how disruptive or violent or irrational, can be understood because TRUMP.
Trump attacked on stage in Dayton; MSM blames Trump for attack.
I went from being a Trump/Cruz ticket proponent way back in August (here) to a ” there’s something more than a little Creepy About Cruz” person, but “I’ll hold my nose and vote for him if I have to guy” to a “there’s something seriously weird and creepy, please God don’t make me vote for him” person.
But now? After all of the lies and obfuscation and even siding now with Hillary and the Left to score some cheap points?
#NeverCruz. I will actively do all I can to defeat him.
Was it Woody, Boom or JohnS that mocked Trump for not being “tough enough” and being scared of the mob infiltrating his rallies?
Well which person do you want Trump to be?
Do you want him on the floor of the rally throwing punches or do you want him showing restraint and canceling the event?
Cruz just threw in with BLM, Bill Ayers,, Carl Rove, Bernie Sanders, the Liberal Media, and Socialists around the world. Cruz again lacks judgement. Imagine if he were the lone voice standing up for Trumps rights. It would have been huge.
I don’t agree with any #NeverCruz sentiment after the primaries are over and Cruz should win.
I was always an advocate of allowing the messiness of a primary to play itself out. Candidates would jab their adversaries with the appropriate and proportional and healthy amount of vetting.
But the anti-Trump coalition is in uncharted waters.
Even if a videotape was presented of Cruz with the RNC sitting with the DNC discussing ways to eliminate Trump I would still vote for Cruz. After the conspiratorial dust settled I would assume that Cruz would act closer to my interests than the DNC.
I’m not an idiot. I have to exist in a political world.
This is why I so loathe the #NeverTrump coalition. Assholes, one and all.
They seem like the types that would stand outside a Trump rally and “totally understand” why the #BLM activists were in there disrupting, not realizing, or caring, that Cruz rallies would be next if he gets the nomination, even after patronizing them.
I just keep coming back to this one video, over and over again, and I cannot see Cruz as anything other than a run-of-the-mill politician that is enamored with his own ability to sound like he’s some sort of brilliant statesman when in fact he’s a bullshitter.
We are too smart for this sort of politicking. The first 2 attempts at this weaseling leaves me a little sickened.
Nathan Thurm would be proud.
Maybe the people who hate Trump are disarmed by a politician who actually answers a question, like it or not.
A conservative has been defined as a person who resists change.
Maybe conservatives are more comfortable with slick politicians and want it to stay that way.
BFH; it wasn’t me claiming he was scared. I think the whole thing was orchestrated.
You missed the only reasonable option with your choices.
Have Trump trust the people he hired, go on stage, and get the crowd to become louder than the asshats until they walk out with their tails between their legs as he did in other rallies.
The above didn’t happen because Trump never intended to go on stage. A thousand tickets were purchased, many hundreds of protesters were paid. A sizable investment was made by Trumps friend to make this happen and there was zero chance that Trump would go off script.
Fur — With this GE cycle there will be no turning back. It’s either get a guy like Trump who is making hamburger of all the political sacred cows (for the first time since when? ever) or something else we don’t know about yet. But to turn back to Cruz — even if you hope he will represent your values better than Killery or another Dem — will not be an option in the hearts and minds of America-loving voters. We’re too close to the fragrance in the air and softness of the breezes in the political promised land to ever go back. And going back to Cruz would be a more bitter failure to us than the a Dem victory would ever be because we at least know the Dems aren’t lying about who and what they represent.
True liberty. Is both the left and right attacking Cruz? No. Is Trump a lawyer/politician? No. Cruz is no different than other politicians, he is a fine upstanding member of the Uniparty, a Booosh supported puppet. A 42 year old pup, half term senator who thinks he can run the largest most powerful country in the world after having stood in the senate and flapped his jaws. Why in Gods wonderful name would anyone hire him, a man with ZERO experience as a CEO, when an accomplished businessman wants the job? A rookie, controlled by others, over a 69 year old focused professional. Why do we continue to anoint these marionettes to run our lives? It is emotional folly.
This whole episode reminds me of blaming the victim of rape, because “she was asking for it”.
“Is both the left and right attacking Cruz? No.”
You have to be joking.
The GLOBALISTS united with scum to try to defeat JOHN GALT.
I have said and I will continue to say, if Trump is such a DOER and not just a talker than SOLVE your problem Trump and come up with a way to hold a safe and secure rally. If the man can’t even make rallies great again why should anyone expect him to be able to do it to something bigger called America? Where is all this DOING I was told Trump was capable of and where is his accomplishment here other than to find followers more interested in what the other candidate said than in what Trump is failing to achieve.
Seems to me like “nobody throws a better riot than” Trump. I hear lots of words coming from his mouth, but not much action other than to cancel more rallies. If he can’t handle what the opposition is doing now during a primary than how is he going to handle it when the general election happens and they really turn it up?
no, MJA, they are not attacking cruz like they attack Trump. Not even comparable.