Trump Causes Dry City – IOTW Report

Trump Causes Dry City

Pity the husbands of Los Angeles – sex therapist claims city’s Hillary-supporting women have lost their libido over Trump victory.

Pity the husbands? Why? Have you seen Hillary supporters????

  • Kimberly Resnick Anderson claims the agony of seeing their beloved Hillary Clinton defeated has sapped the libidos of the women of Los Angeles 
  • Sex therapist claims the ‘Trump bedroom effect’ is still running weeks after his victory over Hillary Clinton 
  • One man told her his wife knew he supported Trump and ‘she wants nothing to do with me in the bedroom. It’s as if I am suddenly the enemy’ 

Read more:

ht/ jerry manderin



23 Comments on Trump Causes Dry City

  1. I bet there a bunch of guys out there in L.A. who now see this as their long-awaited sprint towards daylight. “Snookums. We’ve drifted not only emotionally apart but physically as well. I’m leaving you you fat ugly liberal whore.”

  2. I laugh because these fools think all women are behaving this way. We know it’s all the ‘Lena Dunham’ types that are doing this. Maybe 1% of the population which frankly I agree with the posters above, cuts down on the number of libtards raising kids and infecting society.

    Should be a hashtag #NoSexAsLongAsTrumpIsPOTUS discouraging all regressive females from having sex.

    Regressive hipsters will no doubt join in on this protest and that’s an added bonus.

  3. Any opportunity to blame their shortcomings, inadequacies and issues on someone else is always welcomed with open arms by these malcontents. Being able to blame it on Trump is like tossing a strip steak to a Rottweiler with lipstick!

  4. T’was now six weeks after elections
    And all through the land
    The liberals are crying,
    Still pounding sand

    Their hopes for Ms. Hillary
    Hung with such care
    Were dashed to the ground
    By that big orange bear.

    Now from the far West
    There arose such a clatter
    That sex therapy souls
    Need to explain what’s the matter

    “Our women are dry!”
    The metrosexuals were moaning
    “It’s impossible to mount them
    And give them a boning!”

    “And Madonna promised
    All those who were voting
    That she’s give us all bj’s!
    It’s her that we’re quoting!”

    Their cries for relief
    And their expressions so dour
    Broke the hearts of all men
    Including one in Trump Tower.

    The Donald responded in his usual way,
    “Do what I do when I engage in foreplay
    I cover the sheets in $100 bills
    It instantly cures all liberal women’s ills.”

    “And if that doesn’t work
    Do as Bad Brad advised,
    Just roll them over
    And give ’em a surprise.”

    Then the Donald proclaimed
    As his limo drove out of sight,
    “Don’t bother with Madonna
    Nothing on her is tight.”

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