Trump Continues His Rope-A-Dope: Backs Off Age Restriction Gun Measures – IOTW Report

Trump Continues His Rope-A-Dope: Backs Off Age Restriction Gun Measures

Trump will always dangle a carrot to the opposition, a carrot that they will forever be grasping for.

He, is to the opps dismay, is pushing for teachers to train and carry in the classroom.

Trump Reveals Why He Won’t Back Raising Minimum Gun Age To 21 – For Now.

Trump’s tweets come as the White House will announce a slew of new school safety proposals in the wake of a February school massacre in Parkland, Florida. The president will push for federal funding and support for arming and training voluntary teachers and is set to form a special commission on school safety headed by his secretary of education Betsy DeVos.

9 Comments on Trump Continues His Rope-A-Dope: Backs Off Age Restriction Gun Measures

  1. We have used similar tactics when idiots chain themself to trees that have to be removed.

    1) Give notice to the kooks that the tree cutting will commence on xx date at 07:00 hours

    2) At 06:30 hours “call off” the cutting and no show, leaving the television, news papers et all to take off w/nothing to show for their time

    3) Give notice to the kooks that the tree cutting will commence on xx date at 07:00 hours

    4) At 06:30 hours “call off” the cutting and just no show, leaving the television, news papers et all to take off w/nothing to show for their time

    5) Give notice to the kooks that the tree cutting will commence on xx date at 07:00 hours

    6) At 06:30 hours call off the cutting and no show, leaving the television, news papers et all to take off w/nothing to show for their time

    7) Just go out and cut down the trees whenever it is convenient w/o giving anybody any advance notice and by that time the the newspapers and television are fed up with kooks and refuse to even show up to cover it.

    Hint: There never was any step 1, 3 or 5 to begin with. If the paper or television call do not answer any questions period, full stop. Let them get any and all info from the kook fringe. Deny anything the kooks say regarding 1, 3 & 5. Just say you don’t know what they are talking about.

  2. I don’t know about anyone else, but all this talk about doing something new scares the crap out of me.

    A bump stock was used once in a high profile shooting, now Trump wants to ban them? Only an idiot would bring a bump stock to a massacre, unreliable, heavy and not very ergonomic. So now I can’t have one for shits and giggles?

    Extra High Capacity Magazines. This is another foolish accessory, again, typically unreliable. I believe I heard the Florida goof had one that jammed during his tirade. Just because they make it doesn’t mean it’s anything better than a novelty. Heck there are aftermarket magazines that will fit my guns, but I’d never buy one because it may fail to go bang.

    Hardening existing gun laws is allm that needs to be done. However for society to successfully stop the greatest majority of these attacks, there needs to be some trashing of civil liberties for those unfit to own/operate guns. The Florida shooter is a grave example of this. Had this goof’s stability been properly recorded and dealt with, this incident would likely have never occurred. But some whiney liberal made up some civil bullshit that protected the shooter goof, so nobody could take any action.

    No new gun laws! We’ve lived among guns the entire history of this country. Now in the past 20 years nobody knows how to deal with guns and there’s an epidemic of shootings? This tells me something changed in the past 20 years, guns are essentially the same!

  3. This is all intentional. Background checks are periodically left to slip through the cracks, so demoncrats can use that as a rally cry to strengthen the background check process. Remember Fast & Furious?

    No need for new laws, just do the job properly.


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